Chapter 18

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Adrien stuck the edge of his credit card into the key hole, jiggling it around in an attempt to unlock the door. He had seen this trick one time when Nino accidentally locked himself out of his house a couple years ago.

The two boys in their late twenties stood in front of the door of the Lahiffe's place. A chilly, midnight wind ruffled through their clothing, leaving goosebumps all over their skin. Adrien and Nino hugged their own bodies, shivering on the front porch.

"Shit, Alya's probably asleep right now," Nino said through chattering teeth.

"What did you call me here for?" Adrien asked, "I'm not a locksmith, buddy"

"Because I'm an idiot and went out without my wallet"

Adrien would have face palmed if he wasn't freezing right now.

"How do you forget your damn wallet?"

"I don't know," Nino replied, "Do you have a card of some sort?"

Adrien unwrapped his arms around himself and reached into his back pocket. He opened up his black leather wallet and pulled out his credit card.

"Would this do?"

Nino took the card from him, "That's perfect"

Nino jammed the edge of the card into the keyhole. Adrien curiously watched his best friend wiggle it around.

A loud click sounded from inside the door a couple seconds later. Adrien took his card out of the keyhole and placed his hand on the handle. His face lit up as he successfully turned it and pushed the door open.


With Rena Rouge and Queen Bee huddled behind him, Carapace held his shield up to block the flying debris of nearby buildings. Citizens all around have exited their houses, screaming and running for dear life as the ground rumbled below them.

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