Chapter 7

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Adrien's eyes widened in shock at what he had just heard.


Nathalie and Emilie nodded.

"He passed away in a car accident two years ago," Nathalie explained, "But I'm assuming you didn't receive our letter"

Adrien turned his head down in shame. He wanted to say something, but what? How could he possibly respond to the news of his father's death that had apparently happened a few years ago?

"Thank you for notifying me of this unfortunate event," Adrien mumbled under his breath.

Without saying another word, Adrien made his way towards the front door. He opened it up and stepped outside, closing the large door behind him with a loud click. And then there was silence.

"I suppose I should go with him," Marinette said, "Thank you for having us over. I'm sorry we couldn't stay any longer"


Adrien dropped a bouquet of flowers in front of his father's grave, where the bright green grass had already grown on top of the soil. Marinette stood behind him, watching in silence as her stomach sank at his sadness.

"Father," Adrien said quietly, "I'm sorry I never came back to visit, but just know that I do forgive you. After all, you helped us in the end, so thank you"

He stared blankly at his father's name engraved on the tombstone. Memories of the man with gray hair flashed before him, including those that he never wanted to remember. A chilly wind blew from the side, making his blond locks flow side to side in front of his dull, green eyes. Like golden curtains swaying in front of an open window. Adrien turned away from the tombstone and looked at Marinette.

"Let's go pick up the kids," he mumbled, "They get off in five minutes"

With his hands in his jean pockets, Adrien dragged his feet along the grass as he walked away, Marinette following behind.

"Are you alright?" Marinette asked, concerned.

Adrien shrugged, "It's whatever"


"Mom, what happened to Dad?" Emma asked over the sound of piano music coming from a nearby room.

"He usually tells a bunch of bad jokes whenever he picks us up," Louis added.

Hugo chuckled, "Maybe because Louis chose to play viola"

Louis glared at his brother, "At least my instrument doesn't play forte all the time"

"At least mine isn't firewood," Hugo laughed.

"Boys," Marinette warned and took a hot tray out of the oven, "Now's not the time"

"Right," Hugo mumbled, "Sorry"

"But can you at least tell us what happened to Dad?" Emma asked.

Marinette placed a plate of freshly baked cookies on the kitchen counter where the three kids were seated. The sweet and chocolaty aroma immediately filled the air around them. She figured she can tell them the truth. After all, her and Adrien already kept enough secrets from their children. They deserved to know at least something about their father's side of the family.

"We just found out his father passed away a couple years ago," Marinette explained, "You see, we've never exactly been close to your father's side of the family, so we found out pretty late"

All three of the kids' faces fell. Emma, the most curious one of the three, wanted to ask more questions. Why did their parents never talk about their father's side of the family? The young blonde opened her mouth to speak, but Marinette spoke first.

"I'll go check on him," Marinette said, "Make sure you do your homework afterwards"

Marinette left the kids to enjoy their after school snack and approached the room where the piano music echoed from. She turned the door handle and swung the door open, where Adrien was seated in front of the piano with his head down. The dark sound of minor chords and intervals rang from the instrument as Adrien slowly pushed down on the keys. Plagg was floating beside his holder, watching him with sad eyes.

Each note vibrated through the air for a couple seconds before slowly fading away. Adrien didn't even look up at Marinette and stared blankly at the black and white keys in front of him. Concerned, Marinette walked over to the piano and sat down next to her distressed husband. Finally, Adrien took his hands off the piano, where one last note echoed through the silent room.

"I wish I visited them sooner," Adrien sighed, "Now he's dead, and... I never got to see him before he died"

Marinette walked over to the piano and rested her elbows on it, "I'm sorry, Adrien"

She didn't know what to do or say in that moment. She couldn't even imagine how Adrien is feeling right now. For now, all she could do is be a support system for him like she always has been.


Louis and Hugo peeked their heads through the doorway of Adrien and Marinette's bedroom, where Emma stood in front of their open closet.

"Emma, what are you doing?" Hugo asked quietly.

"Mom and Dad will get mad if they catch you," Louis added.

"Mom and Dad are definitely hiding things from us," Emma said, "I need to know what it is"

Louis and Hugo looked at each other, concerned about their sister's sanity. She has always been the curious type, but she was never nosy, especially when it came to their own parents.

Before the boys could say anything else, Emma began rummaging through the closet in search of anything suspicious. Louis and Hugo ran inside the bedroom and stood behind their sister.

"Emma, I don't think this is a good idea," Hugo said, "Mom and Dad have rights to keep secrets y'know"

"Besides," Louis began, "What are you even-"

"What is this?"

Louis was interrupted when Emma pulled out a red, round box with black polka dots. The pattern of a ladybug. Emma rotated the box as she examined it, trying to find an opening.

"Put that back, it's probably just Mom's jewelry box," Hugo said, "Now let's go before Mom and Dad come back"

"It feels like something more than a normal jewelry box," Emma said, "It feels... Strange. Like there's some sort of magic in here"

Now, Louis and Hugo were even more concerned about their sister. First she tries to uncover whatever secrets their parents had, now she thinks their parents are magicians? Perhaps she's watched too many magical girl animes.

Sighing, Louis snatched the box out of Emma's hands and tossed it back into the closet. Hugo closed the closet door and yanked on Emma's arm to pull her out of the closet.

"No more playing around," Hugo said, "We're going. I'm pretty sure Mom and Dad are gonna come up here soon"

Emma didn't bother putting up a fight and nodded. The three kids walked out of their parents' bedroom and shut the door.

Whatever it was their parents are hiding, Emma was eager to figure it out.

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