Chapter 19

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One month has passed since our heroes have saved the world (quite literally). Chat Noir stood in front of the mirror, staring into the glowing green eyes of his newfound fear. Adrien hasn't transformed ever since that... Incident with his cousin. Whenever he sees his alter ego, he is only reminded of the horrors he witnessed in those acidic eyes of evil emeralds.

"I know exactly what you're thinking right now," Marinette said softly.

Marinette stepped in front of the mirror, which now displayed a shorthaired woman with midnight hair standing next to the famous cat-themed superhero. Chat Noir looked down at his boots.

"Are you really okay with seeing me like this?" Chat Noir asked, "After all, he... He almost killed you"

Marinette reached up and placed a hand on his cheek, drawing his attention to her eyes that were filled with love for the hero in front of her.

"That 'Chat Noir' wasn't you, though," Marinette said, "You will always be the real Chat Noir, the one who fought by my side for all these years"

Chat Noir moved his hands to Marinette's waist. He gritted his teeth at the thought of his evil cousin.

"What Félix did was unforgivable," Chat Noir muttered, "First my father, then my mother, and now my cousin. What is it with my family?"

"I know you're not like them, Adrien," Marinette said.

Chat Noir nodded, "I'll get through this, it's okay. I'm stronger than I was back then"

"You're the strongest person I know," Marinette smiled softly, "And there's something I have to tell you... It's about that Lucky Charm I got from the battle last month"

Marinette's smile faltered soon after she said that. Chat Noir tilted his head in concern.

"What's wrong?"

Marinette took a deep breath before continuing to speak, "I... I think it's officially time for me to stop being Ladybug"

Chat Noir blinked, "What are you saying?"

"I... I have to pass on the role of the guardian to someone else," Marinette said quietly.

Chat Noir's eyes widened, "Then that means you'll... You'll lose your memories..."

Marinette nodded, "I didn't want to do it right away, but I'll have to do it eventually. I'm sorry"

Chat Noir's ears slumped down while the edges of his lips tugged downwards.


"I don't want to forget you, Adrien," Marinette whimpered with tears burning her eyes, "Or everyone else. I don't want to leave you like this"

Chat Noir closed his eyes and leaned in closer until his lips came into contact with her forehead. The warmth and softness of her skin melted around his lips.

"As long as I have my memories of you, that's enough. I'll be fine," Chat Noir whispered against her forehead, "Just do what you need to do, okay?"

Marinette closed the distance between them by wrapping her arms around his waist. Warm tears continuously trailed down her cheeks and soaked into the material of his suit.

"I'm trusting you to give me my memories back," Marinette whispered into his chest.

Chat Noir snuck a brief glance in the mirror, taking in the sight of the cat hero holding his wife in his arms. He closed his eyes and wrapped his arms over her shoulders, tightening their hug. He shifted himself so that his cheek rested on top of her head.

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