Chapter 6

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Emilie smiled softly at her son. She stepped up to him and pulled him into a hug.

"You've grown so much," Emilie said.

Emilie stopped hugging him and looked him in the eye. His eyes were the exact same emerald green color of hers.

"I'm sorry I haven't visited in a really long time," Adrien said, "I've been... Busy"

Emilie placed her hands on his shoulders, "Don't worry about it. But always remember that you can visit anytime"

Adrien bit his bottom lip, "How's Nathalie and my father doing? And Gorilla?"

"Nathalie and your bodyguard are doing fine," Emilie responded, "But-"

Emilie was cut-off when they heard the loud shattering of glass. Dozens of loud screams erupted from the crowd as they came running to the back of the room. Where the window had shattered stood a giant sea serpent with a body made of water. The citizens all cowered in fear at the sight of this beast. Now that everybody's attention was on the serpent, Adrien took this chance to sneak out through the door.

Suddenly, the serpent's body broke apart, and Ladybug jumped through the broken window holding a ladybug patterned lifeboat. The serpent disappeared back into the water—at least for now.

"Everyone! Get as far away from this building as possible!" Ladybug shouted, "And hurry before it comes back!"

The door behind the crowd opened, and Aqua Chat Noir stepped through. Relief flooded Ladybug, knowing that Adrien had survived.

"Sorry I'm late," Chat Noir said, "Everyone go with Ladybug while I take care of the serpent in the time being"

Chat Noir ran up to Ladybug and patted her shoulder.

"Let me lead it somewhere else first, then you can evacuate the citizens," Chat Noir said, "Just keep track of my location"

Ladybug nodded. Chat Noir ran to the window and jumped, where he landed in the water below.

Ladybug turned to the citizens and set the lifeboat down on the floor.

"Alright, everyone," Ladybug began, "I'll bring you to safety in a bit, just-"

Ladybug stopped when she saw a large, silver tank in the corner of the room. Curiously, she took a couple steps towards the tank and stopped right in front of it. She could sense gears turning in her head.

"Does anyone know what's inside this tank?" The superheroine asked.

Silence flooded the room as a few people in the crowd began muttering amongst one another, wondering what Ladybug could be planning at the moment. Ladybug looked down at her yo-yo to see how far Chat Noir has gotten from the building. Finally, after what felt like forever, a man with a deep voice spoke up.

"Liquid nitrogen, ma'am"


Ladybug smirked as a lightbulb shined above her head. She placed a gloved hand on the large tank and turned to the crowd, not knowing who answered her question in the first place.

"If you don't mind, I'm going to use this," Ladybug said, "All of you stay here. I have a plan"

Ladybug looked back down at her yo-yo and called Chat Noir, who picked up after the third ring.

"Hello, m'lady. I think it's safe to move the citizens now, I-"

"Chat Noir, change of plans," Ladybug cut in, "I'm leaving the citizens in this building. But whatever you do, keep the serpent as far from it as possible. I'll be joining you shortly"

"Got it"

Ladybug ended the call and strapped the tank to her back. She ran over to the broken window and swung through the buildings to reach Chat Noir's location.


Once the battle was over and the city had been revived, Adrien and Marinette went back to that building. The two of them stepped through the door, noticing the thinner crowd now that many people have returned to their original places. Alya and Nino ran up to the heroes and shared a quick group hug with them.

"You two did great like always," Alya said, "Unfortunately I was unable to get new content for the Ladyblog, though"

"It's alright," Adrien began scanning the room, "Is my mom still here by any chance?"

"Sorry dude, she went home already," Nino replied.

Alya handed Adrien his glasses back, "But she asked us to tell you that she wants you to go visit her"

Adrien placed his glasses over his eyes and blinked, "What?"

Nino nodded, "She said she wants to see you"

Adrien bit his bottom lip, "Thank you for telling me"

Adrien placed his hands in his jean pockets and silently walked out of the room. Marinette looked from the door to Alya and Nino, who had looks of sympathy on their faces.

"I'm gonna go after him," Marinette said.

Marinette pushed the door open and jogged down the empty hallway. She stopped when she saw Adrien seated on a bench, looking deep in thought. Marinette approached the bench and sat down next to him.

"Marinette," Adrien mumbled, "You'll come with me, right?"

Marinette nodded in response, surprised that Adrien had already made the decision to see his mother. She was ready to give him some reassurance the second she heard those words from Alya and Nino.

Adrien smiled softly with his head still down, "I think it's time I see them again. It's been nine years after all"

Adrien stood up and faced Marinette.

"Let's get going," he said, "Before the kids get off from school"


Adrien and Marinette stood on the other side of the gates, hand in hand. Adrien took a deep, nervous breath as he eyed the doorbell. Marinette gently squeezed his hand when she felt how nervous he was.

"It's going to be okay," Marinette told him, "I'm here with you"

Adrien nodded and rang the doorbell. Immediately, the gates opened up. Adrien and Marinette silently walked up to the front door, where Adrien's bodyguard stood watching them.

"Hey, Gorilla," Adrien greeted, "Good to see you again"

To his surprise, Gorilla shot the couple the smallest smile and a wave. Nobody has ever heard him speak before, but that was close enough. Gorilla stepped to the side and allowed Adrien and Marinette through the doorway.

Inside, Emilie and Nathalie watched the two of them. Nathalie's face lit up at the sight of Adrien. She walked up to him and hugged him for the first time in forever. Adrien released his hand from Marinette's and returned the hug. He has grown slightly taller than Nathalie, but her mother-like embrace brought the same amount of comfort as it did when he was younger. Somehow, it has calmed his nerves about revisiting this house that was once a nightmare.

The two of them broke the hug, and Adrien scanned the room for any sign of his father. There was no sign of that man anywhere, so Adrien looked back at the two women in front of him.

"Where is my father?" Adrien asked.

Emilie and Nathalie's faces fell at the sound of that question. Adrien tilted his head in confusion.

"Is something wrong?"

The two women looked at each other, then at Adrien.

"Did you not receive our letter?" Emilie asked, "Your father passed away"

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