Chapter 9

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"Are you sure we should let the miraculous holders keep their miraculouses?" Adrien asked.

The blond followed his wife into their bedroom. Marinette stopped in front of the closet and opened the door. She stepped into the small space and began rummaging through their belongings.

"I don't exactly like the idea of having so many miraculouses out and about," Marinette admitted, "But if a huge wave of attacks comes to the city, we won't have time to deliver the miraculouses. It might be best if-"

Marinette stopped talking when she realized the ladybug patterned box was nowhere to be seen. Panic arose from within and she anxiously shot her head all around the closet, muttering a number of curse words under her breath. Adrien, upon noticing her franticness, joined her in the closet.

"Is something wrong?"

"The miracle box," Marinette said quickly, "It's gone!"

Adrien's eyes widened at this unfortunate news, "What?"

"It's gone!" Marinette repeated, "I swear it was right here when we left!"

Marinette groaned in frustration. This entire situation regarding the attacks in other countries was already stressful enough. She couldn't believe she actually lost the miracle box. So much for the new guardian.

"One of the kids must have taken it," Adrien mumbled in suspicion.

To that, Marinette turned around on her heels to face her husband. Her eyebrows lifted in disbelief at the sound of his words. She raised her voice slightly as she spoke.

"Are you accusing our kids now?"

Adrien, taken aback from her sudden tone, backed away from his almost fuming wife. He stepped fully out of the closet and Marinette followed. Adrien tried not to raise his voice in his response, for he knew that the kids were still asleep and didn't want to wake them up. Or worse, he didn't want them to figure out their identities.

"Who else could have taken it?" Adrien asked, "What are you so mad about anyways? I just made a suggestion"

His calmness only caused a build up of rage inside her.

"So you're accusing our kids of stealing," Marinette repeated sharply.

Now it was Adrien's turn to raise his voice. He couldn't believe they were even having this dumb conversation. At this point, the kids were definitely gonna wake up from the sound of their quarreling.

"I never said anything about accusing anyone," Adrien snapped, "I don't know why you're making such a big deal out of a simple statement"

Marinette gritted her teeth, "Adrien, the damn miracle box is missing! Do you expect me to be calm about this?!"

"Well, that's exactly why I suggested who could have taken it!" Adrien yelled, "Can't you just listen to me and not freak out?!"

At this point, Marinette's blue eyes burned with fiery rage and fury. Tears of anger built up inside her eyelids, adding light red tints to them.

"Can you not accuse your own children?!" Marinette snapped back.

There's that word again. Adrien clenched his fists so tightly, his knuckles turned white and his fingernails dug into his palms. His wife was being completely ridiculous at this point.

"I'm only trying to help!" Adrien shouted, "I get that you're stressed about this, and I'm stressed about it too! But you don't need to get mad for no reason!"

"Attitude isn't gonna fix this, Adrien!"

Adrien chuckled angrily, "Attitude? You're saying I'm the one showing attitude?! You're the one who got mad and started yelling!"

"Well, how would you understand?!" Marinette snapped back, "I'm the one who had to do the harder job for all these years we've spent working together! And now with this new role as the guardian, it's all just crumbling down on me!"

Adrien unclenched one of his fists and angrily held his hand to his chest, narrowing his eyes as his vision grew blurry.

"I didn't have the best life either, Marinette!"

"That doesn't justify anything!"

"I'd say the same thing to you!" Adrien shouted, "And how would you understand living in an abusive household for a couple years believing your mother was dead or finding out that both of your parents were villains?! Huh?!"

"I don't understand your pain!" Marinette admitted angrily, "But if you're gonna start acting like your father-"

Marinette gasped and clasped her hand over her mouth before she could finish that sentence. The rage in her eyes diminished, and so did Adrien's. Adrien's expression fell from fuming rage to hurt. His green eyes softened and trembled slightly as he stared at her. He silently lowered his hand and shot his gaze to the floor. Marinette took her hand off her mouth and took a single step towards her husband. Heavy guilt tugged at her insides.

"Adrien," Marinette lowered her voice, "I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to-"

"It's fine," Adrien muttered, not looking up at her.

A frown tugged at Marinette's lips as Adrien turned his back to her. He took a deep, shuddering breath before continuing to speak.

"Believe what you want, but I promised I wouldn't turn out like him," Adrien said quietly, "I don't plan on breaking that promise anytime soon, either"

Marinette stayed quiet, making way for an eerie silence to fall upon the room. Adrien was mad at her, she could tell. At that moment, she wished she never said anything. She hated herself for letting her anger control her words. She feared that she would only worsen the situation if she said anything more. Not knowing what else to do, Marinette walked out of the room, leaving Adrien to process what had just happened.

And then the front door closed shut—just like the day his mother left.

He wanted to punch himself for being such an ass. He regretted every word he said, and he wished that he could have gathered up the courage to talk it out with her before she walked off. But now she was mad at him, and he had acted on impulse.

He hoped with all his heart that she would come back, that this wouldn't turn out like how it did with his mother.

After all, she promised she wouldn't leave, didn't she?

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