Chapter 5

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He could feel his body sinking, his lungs growing even heavier. All around him was darkness, and all sound has been muted. This feeling was far too familiar to him, a feeling he never wanted to remember or perhaps even feel again.

He wanted to die the first time he experienced this feeling of being engulfed in water. But this time, he didn't want to die. He wanted to live. He needed to live. He has a wife and kids, a real family. He has a city that he needs to protect. But will anyone be there to save him this time?

Adrien's lungs were filling with water and he could feel himself getting lightheaded. His lack of oxygen from the run only added more stress to his lungs. He couldn't even move his body as the darkness began to grow heavier.


Elsewhere, Aqua Ladybug swam through the flooded city, scanning the area for her and Chat Noir's next opponent.

Chat Noir. Where was he? She's tried calling him multiple times, only to get sent to voicemail. Right when she was about to call him again, she saw a motionless body sinking deeper into the water. Ladybug squinted her eyes to get a better look, then gasped when she realized who this person was. She swam towards him as quickly as she could and caught him in her arms. She placed her yo-yo over his face, praying with all her heart that she had found him in time to save him.

Just then, Ladybug spotted what looked like a giant sea serpent made of water. It was swimming directly towards them, its huge mouth wide open. Ladybug dodged the water monster's attack and quickly swam up to the surface. She needed to get Adrien on land before anything else.

Ladybug jumped high out of the water, carrying Adrien in her arms. She landed on a tall nearby building and set him down. She gulped a tear back as she took her yo-yo off his face. He still would not move.

"Adrien," Ladybug said sadly, "Please wake up"

Just then, Ladybug heard some citizens calling her name from a nearby building. She turned her head to the source of the voices, and on the top floor of the building next to her stood a crowd of citizens.

"Bring him in here!" A man called.

All the citizens backed up to give their hero room. Ladybug latched her yo-yo onto the building and swung down through the open window while carrying Adrien. Luckily, the water wasn't high enough to drown an entire building, so the citizens could still take shelter indoors as long as they were at a high place.

Alya and Nino squeezed through the crowd until they got to the front. They covered their mouths and rushed up to Ladybug and Adrien.

"Is he alive?!" Nino asked anxiously.

"I... I don't know," Ladybug wiped her tears away, "Can you guys please watch him for me?"

"Of course," Alya replied.

Nino took the soaked Adrien from Ladybug's arms. Ladybug thanked them and jumped out the window, where she landed with a big splash. Everyone in the crowd kept their eyes on the former model, muttering to one another with worry stricken faces.

"We got it guys, don't worry," Alya said, hoping to get the crowd's attention off of Adrien.

"Just focus on making sure your families are safe," Nino added.

Nino carried Adrien to the back of the room with Alya following close behind. He laid Adrien down on his back and tried to feel for a heartbeat. Or any sign that he's still alive.

Plagg stuck his little head out of Adrien's wet jacket and looked up at Alya and Nino. His eyes were filled with concern for his holder's life.

"All of this was pretty hard on his lungs," Plagg said, "I don't know if he-"

Plagg was cut-off when he heard a gargling sound come from Adrien. Alya, Nino, and the kwami immediately turned their attention to Adrien, where he coughed loudly. Water pooled from his lips in the process. Adrien's eyes opened weakly, and all three of them sighed in relief.

"What's... Happening?" Adrien asked in a raspy voice.

Then, he remembered what happened just before he was knocked out. His eyes widened and he sat up quickly, ignoring the throbbing pain on the sides of his head. He tried to yell, but his voice came out whispy and cracky instead.

"The monster," Adrien croaked, "I need to-"

A lump formed Adrien's throat as he began coughing out excess water. Alya rubbed his back and Nino brought a nearby trashcan to Adrien's side. Adrien leaned over the trashcan and continued his coughing fit.

"I'll be right back," Nino stood up, "I'm gonna see if they have a blanket anywhere"

Nino ran off, and Plagg looked up at his holder, staying inside Adrien's jacket to stay out of the crowd's sight. Adrien sat down from the trashcan and lightly tapped his chest.

"You okay?"

Adrien cleared his throat, "Yeah. My chest and throat hurt a bit, though.

"But forget about that," Adrien continued, "I have to help Ladybug"

"You should take a break and catch your breath first," Alya suggested.

Adrien shook his head, "I need to go"

Adrien took off his glasses, which he miraculously didn't lose in the process of running from the wave and nearly drowning to death.

"Hold these for me," Adrien handed his glasses to Alya and let out a short cough, "I'm gonna go help her"

Before he could stand up, Alya grabbed onto his wrist, forcing him to stay put.

"Adrien, please," Alya insisted, "At least wait for Nino to get back"

"I have to agree with the lady here," Plagg said, "We all saw how close you were to getting killed out there. And your lungs are probably still fucked up"

Adrien gritted his teeth, "Well, I can't just sit here while Ladybug fights that thing on her own"

"Hey dude, I'm back"

Nino reappeared, handed Adrien a steaming cup, and wrapped a soft blanket over his shoulders. Adrien thanked his best friend and held the cup to his lips, feeling the warm, leafy liquid sooth the itchy lump in his throat. He scarfed down the rest of the tea and handed the cup back to Nino. Adrien cleared his throat a few more times.

"Feel better?" Nino asked.

Adrien nodded, "Much better. Thank you"

Adrien rose to his feet, nearly stumbling. Nino placed his hands on Adrien to keep him balanced.

"You sure you want to go back out there?" Plagg asked.

"Yes," Adrien said, "I'm fine. Now if you'll excuse me, I-"


Adrien froze. That voice that said his name sounded so familiar. He rotated his head to the owner of that voice. Alya and Nino followed, and all three of their mouths dropped open.

Right there in front of them stood Emilie Agreste.

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