Chapter 10

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The bedroom door creaked open, and a young blonde stuck her head through the doorway. Her heart sank to her stomach when she saw her father sitting on the bed with his face in his hands and his shoulders trembling. Her gut twisted with guilt as she looked at the spherical box in her hands. She had been unable to get it open and figure out what it was, but she knew this box was important to her parents.

She hadn't listened to their entire argument, but she did know they were arguing because of her. For that, she will take full responsibility.

"Dad?" Emma said softly.

Adrien lifted his head from his hands, revealing a pair of bloodshot eyes and tear-stained cheeks. He wiped his tears away and slipped his glasses back upon his face.

"Yes, Emma?"

Emma fully opened the door and stepped inside the room. Adrien's eyebrows shot up when he saw the miracle box in his daughter's hands. So he was right, one of the kids did take the miracle box. In a way, he wasn't surprised it was Emma.

"I'm sorry for taking this," Emma said and held the box out to him, "I shouldn't have been so nosy. If it makes you feel any better, I didn't open it"

Adrien walked over to his daughter and took the miracle box from her. Emma kept her eyes glued to the floor, not daring to look her father in the eye.

"I'm sorry, Dad," Emma repeated, "If it weren't for me, you and Mom wouldn't have fought"

A frown pulled at the edges of Adrien's lips. The blond knelt down to his daughter's height and placed a hand on her head. Finally, Emma tore her gaze from the floor to look at his eyes that were identical to hers. Adrien flashed her a soft smile with stray tears still glossing his eyes.

"I forgive you, Emma," Adrien said, "Just please don't touch other people's stuff without their knowledge, okay?"

Emma nodded, "I've learned my lesson"

Adrien took his hand off of Emma's head and rose to his feet. Emma watched as he made his way over to the closet.

"Will Mom come back?" Emma asked.

Adrien, who had his fingers wrapped around the handle of the closet, slowly lowered his hand, allowing it to hang loosely at his side. He took a deep, trembling breath.

"She'll come back, I know it," He answered.

I hope.

"I trust her. She just needs time for herself"

Adrien and Marinette have gotten into multiple arguments in the past, but this was probably the worst one they've had. Most of him believes that Marinette will come back, but a small part of him is still stuck in the past from the incident regarding his mother.

Just then, the most horrendous screeching noise rang against Adrien's eardrums. Adrien shivered, dropped the miracle box, and held his hands to his ears in an attempt to block out the noise.

"Jesus, what is that?"

Through the fuzziness in his ears, the screeching continued to cut through his attempts at plugging his ears. Then, a realization hit him. The city must be under attack again. Adrien lowered his hands and turned around to face Emma, who didn't seem at all fazed by this ear-piercing sound.

This wasn't exactly the best time for an attack, nor was it the best way to see his wife again after their argument. But he had no time to think about that, he had a city to save. Him and Marinette needed to launch into battle before someone loses their hearing.

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