Chapter 11

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Marinette unlocked the door to her own mansion and pushed the door open. From the living room, her eldest child stepped into view with her expression full of guilt.

"Hi Mom," Emma said, "I just want to let you know that I was the one who took that box. I didn't actually open it, but I shouldn't have done that. I'm sorry"

Marinette's lips parted at her daughter's unexpected confession. She was instantly reminded of the day she fell for Adrien. How she had falsely accused him and he went out of his way to tell her the truth. Marinette smiled at how similar the two of them were.

"It's okay, Emma," Marinette said, "Just don't touch other people's stuff from now on, okay?"

Emma nodded, "Dad told me the same thing. I've learned my lesson"

Some weight had been lifted from her shoulders knowing that the box was still safe. Now that the miracle box problem was solved, Marinette still had one more thing to do.

"Speaking of your father," Marinette began, "Is he still home?"

Emma nodded, "He's in your room"

Marinette lightly patted the top of Emma's head before making her way to the stairs. She stopped in front of her and Adrien's closed bedroom door and eyed the spherical handle. With a gulp of nervousness, Marinette twisted the handle and pushed the door open.

She peeked inside the large bedroom, where she spotted Adrien standing on the balcony. Marinette walked over to the glass door and opened it up, allowing the cold wind to blow into the room. Adrien did not make a single movement, all except for his hair moving with the breeze.

Marinette stepped onto the balcony and joined her husband at the railing, where the Eiffel Tower could be seen in the distance. Upon sensing his wife's presence, Adrien finally turned to look at her, relieved that she had returned. Adrien gulped nervously and ran a hand through his hair.

"I'm sorry," They both said simultaneously.

"You go first," Marinette said.

Adrien shook his head, "No, you go first"

Marinette sighed, "I'm sorry for everything I said. It was wrong to bring up... Him. I don't know what was wrong with me"

Adrien scooted closer to Marinette and placed his hand on top of hers on the railing.

"I should be the one apologizing," Adrien said, "I didn't exactly say the best words to you either, and I'm sorry"

Marinette smiled softly, "Well, what matters is that we found the miracle box. Let's forget all this, okay?"

"I agree"

Adrien and Marinette tilted their heads and leaned in closer, closing the distance between them with their lips. Adrien melted against her lips, feeling their warmth and softness press against his.

It's been a while since they last kissed, and the feeling of their lips against each other always makes Marinette's heart flip. It's as if she has fallen in love with him all over again.

The two of them pulled away from the kiss and smiled at each other.

"What do you say we go deliver some miraculouses?" Adrien suggested.

Marinette nodded, "The sooner the better, at least for the heroes that we know the location of"


While Ladybug went to deliver the fox and turtle miraculouses to Alya and Nino, Chat Noir went on his way to give the bee miraculous to Chloé. The superhero jumped down from the roof of his childhood friend's mansion, landing directly in front of the door. With the miraculous in his hand, Chat Noir gave the piece of wood a series of knocks.

The door opened almost immediately, and the blonde did not look very happy.

"What do you want, Potato-"

Chat Noir jumped back at her unexpected tone, and Chloé blinked when she realized who had come to visit. She cleared her throat and straightened her posture. Chat Noir scratched the back of his head.

"Uh, this potato would like to deliver a miraculous," Chat Noir said and held the miraculous out to her.

Chloé let out a small laugh, "Sorry, Adrikins. I thought you were my annoying neighbor"

"'Potato'?" Chat Noir laughed, "Is there a reason for that nickname?"

Chloé shrugged, "His head looks like a potato, so I just call him Potato Head"

"Fair enough"

Chloé looked down at the miraculous in his hand, not reaching out to take it just yet.

"Is there a reason you're giving this to me?" Chloé asked, "There's nothing in the city right now. Besides, you know what happened when I had the miraculous at a time where there was no trouble"

Chloé's eyebrows furrowed at the memory of her past doings, how she had caused trouble all to get attention. She will never be proud of what she did.

"Long story short, other countries are facing the same threat now," Chat Noir explained, "Marinette had a feeling that something big will happen soon, so we're giving all heroes their miraculouses back. At least until the villain is done for if we get to that point"

Chloé's eyes fell from his gloved hand to his feet, "Do I deserve it, though? In the past, I've used it for my own desires"

Chat Noir frowned. He stepped closer to his childhood friend and placed his free hand on her shoulder. Chloé still didn't take her eyes off the ground.

"Yes, you've done terrible things in the past. No offense, buddy. I'm being honest with you," Chat Noir began.

Chloé chuckled, "No offense taken, I agree"

"Anyways, that's besides the point," Chat Noir continued, "What matters is that you've learned from your mistakes. Everyone can see that you've grown into a better person overtime. You used to be a bitch—again, no offense—but look at you now. You went from that little brat to a beautiful, mature woman"

At the sound of his words, Chloé finally looked up to meet his eyes. Her eyes sparkled and her lips parted as Chat Noir flashed her a small smile.

"Believe me, Chloé. I wouldn't give this miraculous to anyone else," Chat Noir said, "You are and always will be Queen Bee"

Tears brimmed in Chloé's eyes as her lips curled upwards into a smile. She spread her arms out in front of her, signaling for a hug. Without hesitation, Chat Noir stepped into her arms. He lightly patted his childhood friend's back as she sobbed into his shoulder.

"Thank you, Adrien," Chloé whimpered, "I'm so lucky to have you as my friend"

"No need to thank me," Chat Noir said, "You've made this growth on your own. I'm proud of you"

Unfortunately, their sweet moment was short lived when the ground shook underneath their feet as if an earthquake were happening. Chat Noir quickly jumped back from Chloé and held the miraculous out to her. The ground swayed underneath them, causing them to almost lose their balance. Chloé placed her hand on her doorway to keep her balance.

"Hurry and take the miraculous!" Chat Noir demanded.

Chloé nodded and snatched the miraculous from him just in time for a gigantic, stone foot to step into view. The phone inside Chat Noir's staff rang and he picked it up. Ladybug's face appeared onscreen.

"Chat Noir! Did you get Queen Bee?" Ladybug asked urgently, "Rena Rouge and Carapace are currently dealing with not one, but two monsters!"

Chat Noir's eyebrows lifted, "Seriously? There's another one in front of Chloé's place, too!"

"Don't worry, Ladybug. We'll take care of this one," Chloé, who was now Queen Bee, said.

Ladybug nodded, "I need to go now. Be careful guys!"

Call ended.

Chat Noir and Queen Bee stood side by side with their weapons gripped tightly in their hands. Without another moment to waste, the heroes charged into battle.

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