Chapter 2

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"Mom! Dad! Hugo!" Louis shouted over the destruction.

"Is anybody here?!" Emma yelled.

Just then, the kids heard a number of footsteps approaching them from behind at a fast pace. Emma and Louis turned around to see an ombre-haired woman and a dark-haired man making their way towards them.

"Emma! Louis! Are you kids alright?" Alya asked.

Alya and Nino stopped in front of the kids, who had worry written all over their faces.

"Hugo and our parents," Emma began, "They... I don't know where they are"

"Ladybug and Chat Noir got them to safety, don't worry," Nino said, "We need to get you two out of here now before- look out!"

Alya and Nino quickly jumped at the kids, pushing them out of the way as a large fireball zipped overhead. Alya and Nino held Emma and Louis tightly as a large inferno erupted where the fireball has struck. Nino cursed under his breath.

"Louis, get on my back," Nino ordered, "We're getting you two out of here"

The young boy obeyed and climbed onto Nino's back while Emma climbed onto Alya's. The adults dashed through the flames of the city, coughing as smoke entered their lungs and the flame monster continued firing after them. A fireball landed next to their feet, sending Alya and Nino flying with the kids. The four of them landed on the ground with a grunt. The giant man of flames approached them as they cowered in fear. They wanted to run for dear life, but they couldn't. Their legs wouldn't listen to them. The enemy fired a large ball of flame at them, and they trembled as the intense heat grew closer to their faces.

Just then, red and black blurs dashed in front of them, preventing the flames from hitting them. Right there in front of them stood Ladybug and Chat Noir, spinning their weapons at a blinding speed to block the attack. Alya and Nino's faces lit up.

"You guys came just in time!" Alya exclaimed.

"Alya, Nino, get Emma and Louis to safety!" Ladybug ordered.

Without another moment to waste, Alya and Nino grabbed the kids by their wrists and sprinted away from the scene as quickly as they could.

"Wait! What about Hugo?!" Emma yelled desperately, "Where is he?!"

"And our parents!" Louis added.

Alya and Nino looked at each other, then back at Ladybug and Chat Noir. Then they shot their heads forward to look ahead of them.

"They're all safe," Alya said.

Once the group has reached the park, Alya and Nino let go of the kids' wrists.

"Emma! Louis!"

Hugo approached the four of them. Emma and Louis sighed from relief when they saw that their middle sibling was alright.

"I don't know where Mom and Dad are," Hugo said worriedly, "Ladybug and Chat Noir brought me here before I could look for them"

Nino stepped up to Hugo and patted the top of his blue head.

"I'm sure they're safe," Nino reassured him, "Ladybug and Chat Noir must have brought them somewhere else"

"This is the most dangerous monster we've had so far," Emma said, "We've never had to evacuate our house before"

"Dont worry," Alya said, "Ladybug and Chat Noir can handle this, they're a strong duo. Much stronger than they used to be, now that they're older"

"By the way," Louis began, "How did they know mine and Emma's name? We've never seen them in person until now"

"They knew my name, too," Hugo added.

Alya and Nino scratched the back of their heads as they searched for an answer. They knew they couldn't just tell them that their parents are Paris' beloved superheroes.

"I mean, they're the city's superheroes," Nino said, "I'm sure they know a lot of the citizens' names"

Nino glanced back at the city, where millions of magical ladybugs dashed around the destroyed city. In seconds, all the flames have diminished and the buildings were recovered.

Next, they saw Adrien and Marinette sprinting towards them. The kids' faces lit up as their parents joined the group. The adults stood there breathing deeply as they tried to catch their breath.

"Glad you're all safe," Adrien said through breaths.

Marinette turned to Alya and Nino with a smile, "Thank you guys for saving them"

Nino wrapped an arm over Alya's shoulders, "You can always count on us"

Marinette giggled and turned to her kids.

"Let's go home," she said, "Your father needs some... Time to himself"

"We better go back home to our kid, too," Alya said, "We'll see you guys later then"

The kids said goodbye to Alya and Nino before heading off with their parents. Suddenly, a realization hit Alya

"Oh shit," Alya said, "I didn't get any content for the Ladyblog. That would have been such a good addition"

Nino laughed, "Come on, the kid's waiting"


As soon as the family arrived home, Adrien and Marinette went to their bedroom and shut the door.

"Adrien, are you alright?" Marinette asked.

Adrien looked at his right arm, which had a large burn scar from the battle. Marinette took out a roll of bandages and grabbed ahold of his wrist, examining his injury. Adrien turned his eyes down to the carpeted floor.

"It's fine, it's just..." Adrien clenched his fist, "Memories"

The memories of his father are nothing but blurs now, but they still haunt him here and there. Even if him and Gabriel have made up, he can never forget how Gabriel treated him. Some of the scars are still visible even after all these years.

Adrien hasn't visited his parents since Gabriel was released from prison nine years ago. Even if he wanted to, he couldn't bear going back to that mansion. Not that he doesn't love his parents anymore, but because every time he sees that building, memories come flooding back. He refused to let his kids meet their paternal grandfather no matter how many letters he got from him. In fact, he stopped opening letters that came from that address, even if it was from Nathalie or Emilie.

Emilie is another story, one that he'd rather not look back on. None of their kids have ever been told a single thing about their father's side of the family.

All Adrien has ever wanted was a happy family. He may not have had that experience in his teenage years, but thanks to Marinette, he now has a family of his own.

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