Day 12

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Ash's Diary:

Kukui gave us a fun day, and we all decided to go to the beach. Lana decided to teach Lillie and Mallow how to surf since the waves pretty calm, so that left Kiawe, Sophocles and I to do our own thing, though occasionally we'd look over to see what the girls were doing. Lana was clearly experienced, she rode the waves with a calm look in her eye, the same one I get when I know I have a battle won. Lillie and Mallow were quick learners, though Mallow got cocky a few times and wiped out. That drew a laugh out of everyone, Mallow was unamused and just splashed us. Lillie was learning better than Mallow and pretty quickly, she could ride a wave back to shore. I was impressed, as Misty had tried to teach me to surf once, but I wiped out every time. Lana showed off her skills after a while, she could do tricks similar to the ones Korina could do on roller skates. Everyone was impressed, but Lillie kept just trying to ride the waves normally, though on one she fell off and I laughed louder than I should've. When Lillie resurfaced, she wasn't amused and splashed me, I splashed her back and accidentally hit Mallow. That began a massive water fight between all of us. It was fun but exhausting and we agreed to a picnic dinner. Mallow was cooking obviously, but it was taking her a while to make it, so I decided to do some training. However, I got caught off guard by a Bewear and it attacked me. Its Hammer arm hit me so hard I went flying backward and I called my pokemon back but the Bewear charged at me and probably would've done another Hammer Arm, but Lillie found me and had her Vulpix use disable, which prevented it from using Hammer Arm. While it was confused as to what happened, Lillie grabbed my hand and told me to run, and we made our way out before the Bewear could understand what happened. Lillie may have saved my life.

Lillie's Diary:

We got a free day, and Lana used the day to teach Mallow and I how to surf. It was actually really easy and I got the hang of it quickly. Mallow did as well but she got cocky and wiped out a few times, that drew a laugh out of everyone, Mallow wasn't amused though and splashed us. Lana took some of her time to show us how great she was, she was doing some amazing tricks and I couldn't believe her skill. On one wave I attempted to ride, my foot slipped and I fell into the ocean. When I came up I saw Ash was laughing and I splashed him, he splashed me back but he accidentally splashed Mallow as well, which got all 6 of us involved in a water fight. When that was finished, Mallow offered to cook us a picnic dinner but she said it would take her some time to get ready. Sophocles didn't mind though, he just fell asleep. Ash went off to train and I chatted with Lana for a little bit, she congratulated me for how quickly I learned to surf. Lana then asked if I had told Ash my feelings, I told her I hadn't and I didn't know when I might, Lana understood. Suddenly I heard a scream and ran into the woods I saw Ash hit a tree and I saw the culprit, a Bewear. I had to act and told my Vulpix to use disable so the Bewear couldn't use Hammer Arm again. I grabbed Ash's hand and we ran out of the woods. Ash thanked me for what I did and I told him it was nothing, truth is I didn't know where I got that courage. Still, he's safe and we enjoyed the dinner Mallow prepared. I was happy and relieved.

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