Say something

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~And I will swallow my pride
You're the one that I love
And I'm saying goodbye..

,,I can't live like this anymore Richie!" I
yelled at him while sitting on his bed, where I hide from my mother since a bit more than two weeks.
,,What do you mean?" He asked and put his hand away from mine.
,,I could, just die in every second!" Richie looked at me and I was able to see how he fought against his tears and looked away.
,,Don't say that Eddie.." Richie said sadly and I began to shake.
,,I-" I said and my breathing stopped.
,,Eddie!" Richie shouted and tried everything to make me breathe.
,,No, please Eddie!" I saw how my view got more and more away and the last thing I saw was Richie who cried and screamed after help.

Richies View

I thought and ran down to get an ambulance.
,,Ambulance, how can we help?
,,My boy- uh friend stopped breathing please send someone now!"
,,They are on their way. Try to get you fingers into his throat, maybe something is stuck in it."
I ran upstairs and did what she said but nothing happened.
,,Nothing is happening!" I said sobbing and got more scared than ever.
,,Does he have a heartbeat?"
I took my Hand at his neck and could feel his heartbeat just a little bit anymore.
,,It's getting away, please when are they there!" I screamed and sent a praying to haven even when I never believed in God.
,,Try to make a mouth to mouth and give him a heartmassage, they'll be soon there."
I looked at him and did it without thinking about it.
Please Eddie, don't leave me!
I heard how people ran upstairs and I saw the paramedics which sent me away for getting him back.
,,Please get him back!" I cried and had to go out the room because another man said I should go out.
I can't I have to fucking stay!
,,We need to get him to the hospital right now." Someone said and I saw how they took Eddie out of my room and the house into the ambulance car.
,,Can I come with you? " I asked sobbing and they said no.
,,But I-"
,,Just stay, we'll try what we can."

And than they drove away.

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