I love you

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View from Eddie

I looked at Richie and could barely hold my tears back.
I can't lose him.
,,I- i love you too." I said faltering and ran to him.
I threw myself into his arms and let my tears run down my cheeks.
,,I can't lose you Richie." I sobbed into his shirt while I shaked my head.
,,I just can't." I cried and clutched him tightly.
,,I know, I can't lose you either." Richie whispered into my ear.
,,I'm sorry to disturb you two, but we have to examine Mr. Kaspbrak." The nurse said and looked disgusted at me and Richie.
,,Okay..." I said sadly and looked at Richie.
,,Wait in the waiting room." I whispered into Richie's ear right before he left the room.
I looked into his face and saw that his eyes were red, like after crying a lot.
,,Sit down please." The nurse said while she pointed at the bed when i turned around.

I walked to the bed and sat down, how the nurse told me.
After a bit of time where she examined me, she took a chair and sat down right in front of me.
,,Mr. Kaspbrak." She started and looked at me serious.
,,What?" I asked and looked confused.
,,Do you wanna go to the church with the other patients of the floor?" She asked and tried to find my view, but i always looked away.
,,No, thanks." I said, knowing what she was trying to get.
,,But you should go, you would get to know many nice people." The nurse still tried to convince me and I got annoyed.
,,I said no, isn't that enough?" I stood up and tried to walk around her but she grabbed my arm and sat me down again.
,,The church can help you. They can pray your problem away!" The nurse whispered angrily.
,,You can't pray away the gay!" I shouted and was finally able to walk around her.
,,They can help you!" She shouted back when i was already at the door. I turned around and said.
,,Fuck you."

I opened the door and ran to the waiting room where Richie already waited.
When he saw me, he stood up and hugged me.
,,Richie, get me out of here. Please!" I begged and saw how Richie looked at me confused.
,,Why? What happened?" He asked worried and sat down with me on one of the chairs in the waiting room.
,,They want me to go to the church and all of that, it's ridiculous but I don't feel comfortable and I don't want anything else than go home." I answered and looked at Richie, whos eyes opened wide.
,,What whores, I'll to do what I can Eds." Richie said angrily and stood up.
,,Wait, where are you going?!" I asked and grabbed Richies hand.
,,I'll talk to a doctor and tell him that you'll come with me right now." Richie shrugged and gave me a kiss on the cheek.
,,You are sure that will work?" I asked a bit scared but got a bit calmer when Richie looked at me with a trusting, loving look in his eyes.
,,I swear I'll get you out of here, just pack your things and I'll come as fast as I can to get you out." Richie kissed me again and then walked fast to another nurse.

I walked back to my room, looking carefully after the nurse who tried to get me into a church.
When I opened the door, I don't wanted to believe my eyes.


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