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View from Richie

While Eddie helped me to go up because i was still a bit blacked out, I remembered what happened and felt goose bumps spread over my back.
The memory made me tremble and eddie looked at me worriedly.
,,Are you okay Rich?" He asked worriedly while walking with me out of the Hospital.
,,Yeah..I'm alright." I lied and felt again how a stinging pain spread in my hand and I winced a bit.
,,Is really everything okay?!" Eddie looked at me curiously and I just nodded because I don't wanted to tell him how much pain I really felt.
,,I just wanna go home Eds..." I whispered and Eddie smiled at me.
,,Me too. "

We walked the whole way and after about 30 minutes, we arrived at mine and walked directly into my room.
Eddie came to me and hugged me tightly.
,,I'm so happy to be here with you." He said mumbling in my sweater.
,,I'm happy too Eds." I smiled but when Eddie touched my right hand I winced again.
,,I knew something was wrong! Let me take of this damn bandage." Eddie sat down on the bed with me and carefully unwrapped the bandage.

we both flinched almost simultaneously when we saw what was under the bandage.
The red point, from which I knew it was there, was so big that it covered the entire top of my hand.
Eddie put his hand over his mouth to suppress a sob and I began to feel sorry for him.
He's going to suffer because of you!
,,Eds I-" I began but wasn't able to finish the sentence because Eddie shaked his head.
,,No Eds, Richie." He sobbed and stood up.
,,Do you even know- Wait, do you even care, through what I'm going right now, I'm suffering with you Richie and I'll suffer forever! Did u even think about that?!" Eddie slamed the door when he ran out and I heard how he ran down the stairs, while crying.

Why me?
Why him?
Why can't live be good for more than a few days?!
I swear it's this god damn city, if we would've ran away from here, we wouldn't have any problems. I bet!

I stand up too, out of my room and down the stairs.
But when I arrived at the front door, I collapsed on the floor and groaned.
,,Fuck!" I cried because of the pain and I heard some gasping from a corner.
,,Richie!" Some female voice shouted and helped me up.
Just from the pretty hairs, I recognised who it was.
,,Bev?!" I shouted back and hugged her even though I felt pain everywhere.
,,Yes Richie, it's me and oh god what happened to you."
I looked up at her and saw that she was also crying.
,,You better mean what happened to you." I sobbed and looked at her worriedly.
,,I- I don't wanna talk about it right now. " Bev just said and looked away.
,,It's okay, I really missed you!" I hugged her again and after that she helped me to sit down on the couch where we both just sighed and started crying in each others arms.

After plenty of minutes, we finally stopped somehow and began to talk a bit again.
,,Were you already at Bill's?" I asked curiously and she shaked her head.
,,I'll go later to meet him."
,,Where is Eddie?" She asked and looked around.
,,I-.. I don't know." I looked down and felt how the tears came back into my eyes.
,,Did you guys broke up?!" Bev gasped.
,,Why else wouldn't he be here?"
,,Because... he ran away from me."
I wasn't able to stop my tears and they already ran down my cheeks.
,,Don't cry Rich, hey look at me." Bev said and put her hand on my cheek.
In that moment I recognised that she had a black eye and many other injuries in her face.
,,Eddie wouldn't run away from you. He's probably running away from a situation!" She tried to make me feel better, but I didn't.
,,I sacrificed myself..." I whispered and saw how beverly stopped in moving.
,,What?" She asked and I saw how she looked at me scared.
,,I sacrificed myself for Eddie." I said again, this time louder and I saw how she now also started to cry.
,,Richie you-." She cried and stood up.
,,Where are you going? Don't leave me again!" I sobbed and saw how she shaked her head.
,,I'm not leaving you, i'm getting our group back together." She said and ran to the front door.
,,Oh and, Don't go away, just wait here!" Then she ran out of the house.

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