When we first met

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~All I see is where our days repeat
And our love goes on

I woke up like ever, 6 in the morning, ready for school.
Okay let's be serious, who is one time in his life ready for school?
Even when i wanted to forget about what happened last summer, or better, forget about who we defeated, I wasn't able to forget.
Bill said it will be okay from now on, we'll just live our lives like that never happened, but how should i ever forget?
Anyways. I stood up, brushed my teeth, changed my clothes and went downstairs in the kitchen to say goodbye to my always worried mom.
,,Mom? I'm going to school!" I screamed because I haven't seen her in our kitchen.
,,Don't go without a kiss Eddiebear!" She screamed back and came groaning to me.
,,Yeah..." I sight and gave her her so bad needed kiss.
,,Have a good day! Oh and sweetie, don't forget to take your pills." She said smiling which gave me a cold shiver flow down my back.
I hate it, I mean I know that i don't need them, they are god damn Gazebos!
,,I'm fine Mom." Slipped it out of me and I winced.
,,What did you say Edward Kaspbrak?"
Oh no, she said my full name, that means a lot of trouble.
,,Nothing!" I shouted and went as fast as it was possible out of my house.

~10 Minutes later~

I finally arrived at school and the first thing I saw was Richie who hided his face behind a book.
Since when is he reading?
I thought and went over to him.
,,Hi." I said while sitting down next to him.
He startled and I noticed that he was trying to hide his black eye.
,,Richie what the fuck happened?!" I shouted what made him putting his Hand on my mouth.
,,Be quiet!" He said angrily and looked down.
,,Rich i'm sorry i swear, I didn't knew-"
,,Of course you didn't!" He shouted and I saw a tear running down his eye.
,,I-" without thinking, I stroke away this tear what made him looking at me.
Not a second later, he blushed, what made me blush, so there were to dudes looking in each others eyes with a tomato face.
,,Eds I-" He started but got interrupted.
,,H-hey guys, w-what did I miss?"
,,Hi Bill, you haven't missed a thing." I answered a bit smiling.
,,R-richie, what happened to your e-e-e-"
,,Bowers." Richie said while standing up and going away.
,,What happened to him? Bill please!" I asked Bill desperately.
Bill sat down and whispered in my ear,
,,You know, h-he's still not o-o-over it. And over s-s-omeone n-n-neither."
,,Who do you mean?"
I held my breath.
,,I-i- i'm not s-s-supposed to t-t-tell you Ed-d-"
,,Bill please don't stutter my name, you know how I hate that." I said, again, without thinking.
,,I'm s-sorry." Bill whispered more to himself than to me.
,,No please Bill, I don't wanted to hurt you okay? It just slipped out of me, i'm sorry!" I shouted a bit to loud what made the other students looking at us.
,,Nothing here to look at fuckers!" I heard a very familiar voice shouting.
,,B-bev!" Bill stood up and huged her lovely.
,,Hi you two." She said after she gave Bill a little kiss on his cheek.
,,Where are the others?" Beverly asked while looking around.
,,Richie went away I have no idea where." I said and forgot about the others who are still missing.
,,I know where he is, but where are Stan and Ben?"
Mike was homeschooled, we all knew that.
,,Where Bev?" I stood up without answering at her question.
,,What where?"
,,Where's Richie?"
,,I guess he went to our classroom, if not look at the boys room." She said shrugging while she looked checking on me.
,,Why are you so worried?" Beverly asked bright smiling.
,,I gotta go, see ya!"

Hey guys, that's my first english fan fiction so if there are any mistakes, PLEASE correct me and write your opinions or thoughts into the comments!
Love y'all💗🎈

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