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Beverlys POV

The moment when I wanted to drive to the hospital by myself, I felt how a stinging, glowing pain that felt like I had just been hit by a bus and beaten after that, was spreading in my head.

,,What the f-" I was about to say when I doubled over in pain and fell down on my knees at the cold floor.

I closed my eyes and felt how my eyes filled with tears and they ran over my cheeks and I saw how they fell down on the floor next to my hands which were clenched into fists because of the burning pain.

With the next wave of pain came another kind of vision, comparable to that what I had of the green and red points a few weeks

,,Richie! Eddie!" I screamed but i recognised soon that they weren't able to hear me.
I listened closer and heard the following words:
,,You two are playing against the rules, now i have to fix this"
Fuck fuck fuck what is that supposed to mean?!

I got swallowed from another wave of vision and lost my needed breath for a few seconds.
When I was able to catch after air again, I saw many confusing lights, for being real, it looked exactly like i'd imagine how it'd be on a drug trip.

I stumbled and nearly fell but then I saw something in a much brighter light.
(Deadlights! Deadlights! Deadlights!)
I walked carefully over to it but avoided touching it.

It showed a boy and a boy, linked by a red ribbon on their ring fingers.
The left one got hurt by his dad who slapped him while the other one seemed to feel the same.
(How is that possible?)
When the right one got shot and fell on the floor the other one grabbed at his chest and coughed a lot of blood.

(Maybe I just imagined it but i'd bet i heard the left person screaming 'Richie'!)


gasped after air, still in tears and sitting on the still completly cold floor.
What the hell was that?!
I tried to stand up but failed because my head felt like it was getting thrown against something even though that wasn't happening.
,,I have to warn..I have to warn them..." I whispered, touching my head carefully.

I looked around and grabbed after the corner of a shelf where I pulled myself up at.
,,I swear If I'll fall one more god damn time I'll scream that whole house down!" I swore angrily while breathing hard.

After a few moments, I finally arrived at the door where I held onto the door frame.
,,Geez calm down you can do that Bev!"

I took a few more steps and ran almost into Ben who appeared in front of me.
,,Ben what are you-" I started but got interrupted.
,,Don't ask, just come with me, I'll get you to the hospital." Ben said and pulled myself behind him to his bike.

I haven't remembered how it happened that fast but not even five minutes
(15 minutes)
later we arrived and i jumped of the bike after i gave Ben a kiss on his cheek as a 'thank you'.
Then I ran as fast as I could into the direction of the hospital but i stopped suddenly when I saw Eddie discussing with...the air?

,,Eddie?!" I screamed and saw how he winced and then turned around.
,,Bev!" Eddie stood up and ran into my arms.
,,R-richie...he- " He began to cry and I saw how they brought Richie into the hospital behind eddies back.
,,Is he okay?!" I asked and gave Eddie his inhaler which he forgot at Richies.
Thankfully, Eddie took a pull of it.
,,I think he's gonna be soon.." He looked down worriedly.
,,I have to ask you something," I said quietly and looked at him serious.
,,Did you feel some weird pain when Richie was in pain?"
Eddie looked at me confused but then he opened his eyes wide and nodded.
,,Yeah i did..." He shook his head and I opened my mouth surprised.
Oh damn.
,,It hurt so much I can't even describe-" Eddie stopped and looked back at me.
,,I'll explain you everything but we have to go to Richie first okay?" I pulled him behind me and walked fastly.
,,You'll see..."

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