Dear God

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View from Beverly

I held my hand in front of my face because the light which came out of the finally opened door dazzled me.
,,Are you now my little girl again Bevvy?" My psycho ass dad asked and I shrugged.
,,No..." I whispered as quiet as I could.
,,I haven't heard an answer yet Bevvy." I heard how he was already closing the door again when I shouted.
He turned around to me and I could bet he began to smile.
,,What?" He asked satisfied.
Fucking psycho.
,,Let me out please.." I sighed and felt how every bone in my body hurt.
,,Just when you admit it." He said, now with a creepy cold in his voice which scared me more than ever before.
I don't wanna die in here!
,,Admit what?!" I screamed and felt a burn in my stomach.
,,That you are still my little girl." I heard how my dad began to laugh evil and I wanted nothing more than go away from here.
,,I- I am!" I shouted unsure and could have slapped myself.

You fucking aren't! Why are you doing that to yourself?! I am so stupid! It's your own fault that you are in here!

,,Oh really? Then tell me, why were boys in your room." The door opened more and I saw just a white wall.
Not helpful at all.
,,There were no boys!" I began to cry in pain and tried to stand up what failed because I was just too weak.
,,Oh I'm sure there were boys. I know it. But you already admit one thing, here." He walked into the place where I was and I got back to the wall behind me.
,,Are you scared Bev?" He asked while putting a plate with some bread and a glass with water down on the floor.
Yes I am you fucking psycho!
,,Good." My dad raised his hand and I winced when he layed his hand on my cheek.
,,No boy will ever touch you." He just said and went back out of the room. 
When he closed the door I began to scream.
,,NO! LET ME OUT!" I cried and sobbed.

Oh my god what is with Eddie and Stan?! The points are still there am I right?! But I haven't got mine yet.. how is that even possible?!
Someone please get me out of here!!

After a bit of time, I calmed a bit more and pounced hungry on the food.
Even though it was just an arid bread, I would've done anything to get more of it.

When was the last time I ate something?
Since when am I stuck here?
How can I get out of here?
Where the hell am I?!

I wasn't able to finish my questioning with myself when I began to feel really tired.
I held my head and after a few other swallows of my water, my world was black again.

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