Life is a lie

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Eddies POV

When the ambulance began to drive, I felt how my eyes filled with tears again.
You need to be strong Eds! Be strong for him!
I said to myself and held back my tears while the paramedics examined and supplied him fastly.

I was scared, holy fucking shit I was so fucking short before losing my mind!
Why can't anything in my life be one time  good and normal, is that so hard?

My breathing got lower and wanted to grab my inhaler but I recognised that I haven't put my fanny pack with me in the hurry.
Fuck fuck fuck what now?!
I started to panic and digged my fingers into my arm what I did since I was a little kid.

Calm down Eddie, you don't matter in this moment. All that matters is Richie okay? Just breathe. Breathe. Breathe.

I counted to 5 and closed my eyes how I did it that one time with Richie when my inhaler was out of medicine.
Breathe. Breathe. Breathe.

In the moment when my breathing was getting better, I heard a long beep because of what I opened my eyes rapidly.

The paramedics were working faster and I saw the long line on the monitor with which Richie was wired.

I wanted to move, I wanted to do something but I wasn't able. My body was like frozen and I truly believed the blood in my vains stopped for a moment.
No no no no!

When I was finally able to move again I began to shake my head wild and my vision went blurry because of the tears which accumulated in my eyes.
That can't be real! No!

,,We need to reanimate, now!" One of the paramedics said while he pointed on the monitor and back to the beautyful boy for which I was hoping more than anything that he'd just wake up and hug me again like we used to so many precious times.

I thought I'd have finally found my peace, my personal heaven.
But as I can see life hates me, and Richie, as much as anyone else.

['If something happens to you, it'll also happen to me my love.'  Eddie remembered Richie saying that one time to him at the begin of their special relationship.
'Nothing that bad will ever happen to us Richie.' Eddie remembered that he answered with that. ]

The ambulance arrived at the hospital and they were still busy with getting Richie back when I felt that bad burning in my chest which felt like one million of needles picking into my heart, lungs and all around that.
,,Gah!" I groaned and held my hand against my chest.

The moment when the paramedics put some of the electric revive on Richies chest, I was able to feel this, I felt how the electric went through my whole body and I just wanted to scream.
What the hell is happening?!

,,Get the boy out!" One of them said and in a blink he brought me out and left me alone on the street where I sat crying like a little baby.

When I tried to stand up, with what I failed, some weird ghost appeared next to me and I startled  terrified.

,,Who or what a-are you?" I asked stuttering with what I felt like Bill.
,,That doesn't matter at all, what matters is that you are both playing against the rules, against the possibilities. Thats nothing I should tolerate!" The ghost yelled and I craweled a bit back.
,,Oh come on, your boyfriend in that ambulance, which is alive again by the way, wasn't that scared." The ghosty thing rolled its eyes and I looked at it confused.
,,What.. What do you mean?''
,,Oh come on, how do you think did you get the green point? Watercolours?" The ghost laughed and I looked at him with still teary eyes.

,,You both are playing against the rules, now i have to fix that."

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