Extra chapter 5: The Strawberry Thieves

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A/N: IMPORTANT NOTE: So I found out that for some reason, some of the chapters repeated themselves? This only happened on FFN, I'm not sure why, so I went back and fixed them. This affected The Return of the Hero Chapter and the Martial Arts Tournament. When I updated the Martial Arts Tournament chapter, I changed the ending as well, just a little. ;) As well as that, I had to fix something in chapter 6 due to plot inconsistency. I know I keep changing this story all the time, but these changes were necessary.

Anyway, this chapter takes place mid-way through season 2. I hope you enjoy it!

The crowd of students cheered as Miyuji lowered her microphone.

"Hell yeah!" she said. "We kicked ass!"

She grinned at the rest of the band before jumping off the stage. She waved at the audience, before the school bell rang. She gave a glance at her phone. There were a lot of missed calls from her master, and a few texts in broken English apologising for all the calls, most of them being along the lines of 'how to turn off voice recognition'.

Miyuji rolled her eyes. Safe to say, her master was not quite as good with technology as he was with his sword.

"Hey, Miyuji," said Gita Yamahato, former president of the Light Music Club. "Is that your sensei texting you?"

Miyuji nodded. "Ha ha, yep! He's hopeless with technology."

"And yet, he's a top ranking hero," Gita said. She frowned. "Miyuji, seriously... how did you meet that guy? How the heck did you become so... talented all of a sudden?"

Before Miyuji could respond, the school bell rang.

"There's the bell!" Miyuji grinned. "I'll catch ya later, Gita!"

She ran off, leaving Gita with the same questions as always. As Miyuji ran through the crowd, she spotted another Class A watching her, until she weirdly disappeared.

At lunchtime, the Light Music Club assembled in their rock and roll-themed club room, instruments loyally beside them.

"Alright team!" Miyuji grinned. "Let's rock this new song!"

"Excuse me."

Miyuji turned around, facing a student standing at the entrance of the room. She had a calm expression on her face.

"Ay, Yan-chan!" Miyuji greeted. "Yo! What can I do for you?"

She jumped off the stage, landing in front of her fellow Class A hero.

"I was wondering what this club is about," Ayano replied.

"We're the Light Music Club!" Miyuji replied. "Well, the name's a bit outdated. Last year, we only did mood music - you know, the stuff you hear in elevators? But this year, we switched our focus to rock music! We're not just a club, we're a band - the Strawberry Thieves! There's room for one more, if you'd like to join!" She held up a hand. "It's okay if you don't have any experience - we'll help you get the hang of things! When we put on a show, tons of people show up! And if you can put on a good performance, everybody will absolutely adore you!" She lowered her voice, giving Ayano a wink. "Just between you and me, it's the fastest way to get popular at school!"

"That sounds good," Ayano replied.

"You wanna join our band?!" Miyuji asked.

"Yes," Ayano nodded.

Miyuji fist-pumped the air. "Kick ass! Can't wait to see what you can do with an instrument in your hands!"

Miyuji led the newest band member over to the display of guitars by the wall. Above the guitars were a series of posters for the band.

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