Chapter 4

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I fell to my knees with a hand over my mouth and my other arm being held by Tae.

The tears wouldnt stop, they just kept flalling down my face.

My babys mute... that's really hard to handle. The fact that she has to learn a whole new language just to talk to us.

'How do you know sign'

She asked me and Tae helped me stand before I kinda stutter and replied

'I used to be mute, back when I met Tae'

I responded "how do you know sign so well?" I asked her and she explained to me that when she was in middle school they had these people come in for a presentation and they talked about sign language and she thought it was cool so shes been studying it for the past few years

in that moment i could never be more proud of the women she's become, she's so beautiful, talented. and I was the one to leave all that behind and more for my own selfish needs

i wish i could i could go back in time and not say a word to that nurse, i wish i let them know i was still alive. maybe then they wouldn't have had to go through all this crap. I'm the worst mother, how could i leave my family just cause i thought they'd be better off without me.

when in reality a real family works through their issues, but instead i just ran away... I'm so ashamed of the person i was back then, and the person I've been for the past 14 years

i sat on a chair beside her bed as tears left my eyes.

'how did you become mute mom?' 

i let out a long breath before speaking 

"growing up, my father beat my mother, one night i caught him with a baseball bat, aiming it at my mother. i stepped in and took the blow, he hit my throat and sent me into a wall" i said wiping away the tears

'mom i never knew'

"i know, it's not something i talk about often" i said in a sad tone 

'did it ever get better?'

"no, it got worse, he started beating me when i got home from the hospital. then my mother overdosed and he got a lot worse. and when i was taken away from him, my foster parents weren't much better.." now it was her turn to let a tear fall.

'I'm so sorry that happened to you'

"don't be, its done and over with" i said finally calming down. i looked at Tae before grabbing his hand as he stood beside me. "cause after i met Tae he made my life so much happier" i said with a smile on my face "i was insane to think i could ever live without him" he smiled at that comment


"oh shh" i say with a laugh as everyone else joined in, once the laughing died i turned to my baby, i grabbed her hand in my free one. 

"it's going to be to be hard being mute and all... but don't forget we're here for you no matter how small or big the problem you're dealing with is. cause we're a family and we love you so much and we don't want to see you suffer, and we will be with you the entire way" i said with a soft but sad smile

she sniffled before nodding 

'right back at you mom, if you ever need anything you have a strong family on your side!'

i smile at that with a nod. just then the door opened and i saw blonde hair staring down at the ground till their head lifted and i knew exactly who it was

he stopped in his tracks when he met my eyes 

"Y-Y/n?" he stuttered and tears gathered in his eyes. i stood up and stumbled before trying to run to him, i wrap my arms around his neck as he wraps his arms around my waist

"you're alive!" he said with relief in his voice. i nodded.

he placed his head on my shoulder as I'm on my tiptoes to wrap my arms around his neck

after hugging and enjoying each other presence we let go and we look at each other. his eyes widened when he saw my shoulder "Y/n! you got shot?" he questioned and i nodded "Luke came back" i explained, his eyes widened "but isn't he supposed to be locked up for all those different crimes?" i nodded "he said he got bored"

that's when Yoongi looked so done. then he looked over at Charlie and saw the big bandage on her neck "and what happened to Charlie?!" 

"Luke" i simply said and he looked so mad like he was about to hunt the man down and kill him himself

that's when my expression saddened. 

"how good is your sign language?" i asked Yoongi and he shrugged. then his expression changed within seconds "wait- don't tell me.." i nodded after he finished. 

"Luke took a shot and it deeply grazed her vocal cords an they are going to be hard and expensive to fix" i said trying to make it as simple as possible.

he walked up to Charlie and embraced her tightly, and also soft enough to not hurt her. he released her and faced all of us "the rest of the boys are going to come by soon, their going to be in for a lot of surprises good and bad" he said with a sad tone

i nodded. 

Yoongi looked at all of us "we need to get rid of Luke, he's tearing everyone apart. life will never be normal when he's still alive, we need to get rid of him so he'll stop hurting the ones i care about" he said, i nodded in agreement. his voice was so low like something was tearing him apart

and i knew exactly what it was, he goes by the name Luke. and hopefully we wont have to worry about him much longer.. i just hope this works out.

Words Almost Said//Taehyung X Reader//Book 2 {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now