*Angry Alpha pt.2*

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     I realize there is a confusion with the Min brothers and their "age gap".That will be explained later☺️

Jungkook's POV

     "W-what are you two s-staring at?" Does he honestly want the answer to that?
He knows that we're staring at him with his sexy ass and the puddle of his slick on the couch.
Yoongi and I both know that his heat started not too long ago; he must've missed his suppressants.
"We can't Jungkook. With the way he talks to alphas, I doubt he's ever had sex." Yoongi whispers to me.
A moan surprises Yoongi and I, our attention reverting back to the omega on our couch.
"If we don't get him out of here or something Kook, I'll take him raw on the fucking floor."
"Mmmmmmm~" If he keeps doing that I-"If one of you don't hurry up and fuck me, I'll go find someone else. I'm sure Taehyung will take good care of me."
Within seconds, Yoongi has Jin pinned to the floor and I am right beside him.
"Keep saying shit like that and we just might take you right here."
Jin giggles and smirks, making both Yoongi and I growl.
"Then do it. Take me right here. Both of you. Go ahead. Are you scared?"
     He can't be fucking serious right now. There's no way he would ever say that, regardless of the fact that he's in heat.
     "Yoongi don't. He's not being serious." "I don't give a damn if he's-" "Mmmm I want you so bad Yoongi. Forget about Jungkook."
      Shit. "Min Yoongi-" I'm cut off by Jin's soft, plump lips on mine.
     Fuck. I can't fucking control myself anymore. He's getting it whether he's being serious or not.
     "Don't start something you won't be able to finish baby." Yoongi says.
     "We'll fuck you so good you won't even remember your name babe."
Jin gasps when I push Yoongi out of the way and tower over him, spreading his legs and placing myself between them.
"Once we start, there's no stopping us. Are you sure this is what you want?"
Jin hesitates before nodding his head yes. I slap his thigh and he gasps, moaning a bit.
"Naughty boy. Words baby." "Oh for fucks sake Jungkook! Fucking look at him!" "I see him Yoongi, but I am not about to fuck an omega without his consent. He's in heat and I am not going to be who he runs to when he's pregnant and angry with me."
Yoongi and I continue yelling at each other, Jin continuously moaning and pulling at my shirt, until a familiar voice stops us.
"Jin?! Holy shit! Get the hell away from him you horny assholes!"
Of course his beta best friend just had to come and ruin the fun.
     "For your information Mark, he was the one provoking us." Yoongi says in frustration.
     "It's alright Yoongi." I say, distancing myself from the panting omega on the floor, watching as Mark hurriedly picks him up.
     "Jin will learn his lesson soon enough about toying with alphas."
     Scoffing, Mark turns around and leaves our room with Jin.
     "If his heat gets any worse without help, he'll try to get Mark to help him. I doubt he has any experience with omegas. Watching this unfold will be a treat."
     "You definitely don't get this side of you from your mother. It must've come from father." Yoongi says.
     Getting up from the floor, I chuckle at his remark. He knows me all to well.
     Yoongi and I have the same father but different mothers.
     During the time that my mother was pregnant with me, our father was messing around with Yoongi's mother.
      Now that he has both of us, he's no longer sleeping around with everyone.
     "I was really looking forward to messing with him too. He's such a fucking tease."
"We'll have our chance soon enough Yoongi. Just be patient."
And we will have our chance. The Min brothers always get what we want and we want Kim Seokjin.

Jin's POV

     "T-take me time the b-bathroom. I'll make myself some cold bath water."
"What?! No! I'll do it for you, just..just hold on.."
God it's so hot. I don't remember the last time I had a heat.
Because of my pills, I would never have them, but I just..I'm guessing I just forgot to take them.
Being around alphas all day doesn't help either. I can't believe I almost got my virginity taken by, not one, but two alphas.
     Seriously Jin, get yourself together! "I'll leave you alone now so that you can take your bath. If you need anything don't hesitate to yell for me."
     "Thanks Mark. I honestly don't know what I'd do without you."
Mark smiles and as soon as he leaves and closes the door, I'm nearly ripping my clothes off.
They feel like they've been glued to my skin. It's so hot and I'm nearly sweating to death.
If I don't get my heat under control, I feel like I just might die.
I haven't experienced anything like this since my first heat when I presented as an omega and the first time I forgot to take my heat suppressants.
     As I get into the bathtub and the cold water touches my skin, all I can think about is what would have happened to me if Mark hadn't come.
     They probably would have ripped my ass apart...but at the same time, I don't think I would have minded.
     "Jin? Are you okay in there?" "Yes! I'm fi-" My words are cut off as I suddenly whimper, the heat becoming almost unbearable.
     "Do I need to come in there Jin? My wolf is...my wolf is begging me to help you."
     Help me? What does he mean by that? The only way his would could be wanting to help me is...no way.
     "Mark you can't...we can't. You know we can't do that. Regardless of how much pain I'm in you have to stay away from me."
     "Jin...I don't think that's an option right now." "What are you trying to say Mark?"

     "I'm saying...I'm saying that my wolf won't calm itself unless they help you through your heat Jin. You have to let me in."

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