Chapter 7 - The Website

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Mandy and Blaze continued flirting with each other through most of the class. That's a weird match-up, Jolie thought. She hadn't pictured the head cheerleader with the school's most notorious bad boy, but then again, they do say opposites attract. If he was dating Mandy though, why had he tried to talk her into kissing him earlier? Maybe he was just joking, or maybe he was a cheater. If so, that's probably one of the reasons why he had such a bad reputation.

She noticed Chaz was in their class too, sitting across the room and every time the teacher asked a question he raised his hand and said the answer in perfect Spanish. He was Hispanic so she figured he probably grew up speaking Spanish with his family.

People would probably be surprised to find out that she was fluent in Spanish too, since she was a blonde-haired, blue-eyed white girl from the U.S. Growing up she had a nanny from Spain that taught her. All the rich upper-class families in New York City have nannies and they always try to find bi-lingual ones so they can boast that their kids can speak another language. Jolie's Dad and his wealthy family were all about keeping up appearances so they made sure she had the best nanny and went to the most prestigious private school in New York City, the one most of the people on his side of the family had gone to.

It was ironic because now here she was at her Mom's old high school in Illinois that was about as far from prestigious as you could get. It didn't matter what school she went to though, because she could learn anywhere. Schoolwork had always come easy to her. She had straight A+'s at her school back in New York and the highest GPA in her class of over a thousand people. Everyone told her she got her brains from her Dad. He was extremely smart. If only he had been extremely loyal, that would've been great.

"Jolie?" the teacher said, breaking her from her thoughts.

"Yes?" she asked.

"I'm sorry that you're coming into the school year two weeks late and you've missed some things, but I can arrange a tutor for you to help you get caught up."

Blaze raised his hand and said, "I volunteer to tutor her," which made him get a hard smack in the arm and a glare from Mandy.

"What?" he laughed.

Chaz turned and looked at Blaze and said, "Dude! If anyone's going to tutor her in Spanish, it's obviously gonna be me since I actually speak Spanish. You only know how to say Hola," he laughed.

Jolie looked at Ms. Valaro and told her in perfect Spanish that there was no need for a tutor to help her catch up since she was fluent in Spanish and she already knew everything she had just gone over in her lesson.

Chaz raised his eyebrows with wide eyes and said, "Hey! Homegirl speaks Spanish?! That's it. I'm in love. You're coming home to meet my Mom."

Everyone laughed and Jolie's face burned red with embarrassment as she slid down lower in her desk. She wished this class would just hurry up and get over already.

Ms. Valaro raised her eyebrows in surprise too. "You're right. You don't need a tutor. I think your Spanish is even better than Chaz's. You should be the one tutoring the rest of these kids," she said laughing.

"You can tutor me!" Blaze said, raising his hand, getting another hard smack from Mandy that made the whole class laugh. Jolie was relieved when the bell finally rang and she hurried out of the room and down the hall to her locker.

"Jolie! There you are!" a breathless Bailey said. "I've been looking for you everywhere. I need to talk to you. It's REALLY important."

Jolie closed the door of her locker and asked, "What is it? Is something wrong?"

"Yeah," she nodded breathlessly. "Something is really wrong," she said, holding her phone out to Jolie.

She took it hesitantly and looked down at the screen that had a website pulled up on it.

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