Chapter 24 - Homecoming Day

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The next day everyone was wearing blue and gold to school since it was the day of the Homecoming game. Austin had told her all the football players were going to be wearing their jerseys and the cheerleaders were going to be wearing their uniforms to class that day, so he had given her one of his extra football jerseys to wear to school.

As she pulled it on she couldn't help but think about what Blaze said last night. She had probably been sending Austin mixed signals that led him to believe she was his girlfriend. She had no idea what she was doing. This whole dating thing was all new to her and she felt like she was screwing it all up. Did she want to be Austin's girlfriend?

His jersey fit more like a dress on her and it actually looked pretty cute. She put on some black leggings under it and some high top black converse. She left her long blonde hair down and straightened it before putting on some light natural-looking makeup.

She heard Austin's horn honking outside and she looked down at the time on her phone and panicked, shoving everything into her backpack. She raced downstairs into the kitchen, grabbing an apple and yogurt out of the fridge.

Blaze was in there sitting at the barstool eating a bowl of cereal. He looked her up and down before saying, "So you're wearing his jersey today? Hmmmm. Sounds a lot like a girlfriend thing to do," he smiled.

She glared at him, pointing a finger at his face. "Don't start with me Blaze McDaniels. I'm in no mood."

He just smiled and laughed.

She rushed out the door and ran out to Austin's Jeep, climbing in breathlessly.

"I'm so sorry to keep you waiting. I was running a little behind today."

"That's alright," he said, eyeing her up and down. "My jersey looks really cute on you by the way."

"Thanks," she smiled.

He turned the music up as they drove to school and he reached over, sliding his hand into hers. As she sat there holding his hand she felt so confused and conflicted. Her mind was telling her that she should be ecstatic. Austin was hot, he was the quarterback of the football team, and he was going to Harvard to be a doctor. You can't get much better than that, right?

"So are you excited about the game tonight?" she asked.

He looked over, smiling from ear to ear. "Of course I am. We're playing our biggest rivals and it's Homecoming AND it's my Senior year. There's no way in hell I'm gonna let them win tonight."

He sounded very confident and sure of himself. After seeing him play before she could understand why. She didn't know anything about football but she knew he was good.

When they got there he pulled into his reserved parking spot and unbuckled his seat belt before hopping out of the Jeep and running over to Jolie's side, opening her door for her with a huge smile and a bow.

She laughed.

When she got out he took her hand and spun her in a twirl and then dipped her back really far before standing her up straight again.

"What the hell's gotten into you today?" she laughed, shaking her head.

"It's game day baby!" he shouted loudly and several of the people walking by started cheering too.

He grabbed his backpack out of the back before wrapping an arm around her shoulder and leading the way towards the school with a big smile on his face. She had never seen him in such a good mood.

When they got inside, the main hallway seemed to be extra busy and loud and it had streamers and balloons everywhere and a big banner that said, "Homecoming," on it.

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