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Knocking on the door, Flake answered looking refreshed and ready for the day but the look on his face told Till otherwise.
"What's wrong Flake?" Asked Till.
"The others are fine, just a hangover. It's Paul. He's not feeling well. He seems to have a slight fever." Said Flake.
"Should we call a doctor?" Asked Till concerned.
"Yeah and cancel tonight's show. We don't want him getting worse." Said Flake.
Till nodded and pulled out his phone to call the doctor that traveled with them since they tend to be a bit injury prone.
"What's that Till?" Asked Flake noticing the bracelet on his wrist.
Till said nothing and stayed quiet, not knowing how to explain how a woman had helped him into his room and how he had asked her to sleep with him. Oh and how it was the same woman that had retrieved his wallet. Flake guessed it was the woman from the airport since it was the new thing that got their singer all flustered and quiet. Not pushing the man, Flake went to move the others away from Paul so they wouldn't catch anything.

Ten minutes later their doctor showed up a bit disheveled, probably from the rush to get ready, with his kit. Letting the man in, they let him look over Paul while they helped others with their hangovers. By the time the doctor finished, the rest of them were more aware of what was going on and panic set in.
"How is he?" Asked Richard in a rush.
"He'll be fine. He caught a cold and his body is fighting it hence the fever but he shouldn't be performing until he recovers." Said the doctor.
They nodded in understanding, letting the doctor leave so he could inform their tour manager of the situation.

Convincing Richard to leave Paul so he could get some rest and Richard some food, they all headed to the in house restaurant downstairs. Till finished his food first and was waiting for more coffee when he spotted the woman again walking out of the restaurant. Leaving the table he followed her. The three looked at him questioningly and confused by his behavior. Of course they all turned to Flake for answers.
"It's the woman from the airport that got his wallet back. He's absolutely smitten with her and I have a feeling he saw her last night too." Said Flake.
"Last night? But we all were drunk." Said Olli.
"Till stumbled back to his room, from there I don't know what happened but he's wearing a bracelet I presume the woman dropped." Said Flake.
The guys were shocked. They knew Till moved fast but this was ridiculous. Going back to their food various thoughts clouded their minds.

Till walked out in a hurry looking around for the woman. She was like a ghost, one that he could see and feel yet was always out of his grasp. Spotting her entering an elevator, he made his way over just to miss it by a moment. Thinking back, if she was there to help him then her room must be on the same floor. Hopping on the next elevator he went back to the top floor. Now his next problem was which room she was in. She had a minute or two head start which meant that she would have returned to her room. He couldn't go knocking on all the doors and who knows when she would leave her room. With a sigh he turned to head back to his room when a door alerted him to someone exiting. Watching he was graced by the woman who pulled the door shut while flinging a backpack onto her shoulder. Shoving all thoughts away he approached her as she was pocketing the key card.
"Um. Thanks for helping me last night. I think you dropped this." Said Till quietly as he removed the bracelet.
The woman's face brightened and a smile that could light up a room filled her face. She slipped it back on and tightened it before making motions with her hands. At first Till was stumped to what and why she did that but then it dawned on him.
She was mute.

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