Bad News

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Next day the guys didn't see Amara until lunch and she definitely looked like she had a rough night.  She plonked down next to Till and tiredly pointed to what he was eating when the waitress asked what she would like to order. 
"You okay Amara?" Asked Richard.
She didn't lift up her head but did make a cross with her fingers followed by a middle finger.  Paul and Olli laughed while Till placed a hand gently on her back.  The waitress came back with her lunch and when Amara saw the plate her tired eyes went wide.  On the plate was basically the dish times two.  Looking over to the waitress, she shrugged.
"You did ask for what the gentleman next you ordered." Said the waitress before she turned to attend to another customer.
Amara looked over to the guys who shrugged as they tried to hide their laughs.  Shaking her head, Amara dug in and in no time the plate was whipped clean.  Now it was the guys's turn to be shocked as Amara slouched down in her chair rubbing her belly. 
"Damn you can eat!" Said Doom.
Didn't have dinner, slept through breakfast, so yeah I'm hungry.
"That wasn't hungry! More like starving." Said Paul.
What are you guys doing today?
"Nothing much since we have a show tonight. Probably look around the city." Said Olli.
"Same." Said Flake.
Can you do the taping yourself Till? I might be late today.
"I wasn't paying attention. Can you do it again?" Said Till not even hiding the fact he was lying.
Amara shook her head while rolling her eyes before sighing.
Fine you big baby. I'll rush over after I've gotten my stuff done. Don't blame me if your show doesn't start on time!
With that Amara left to do her stuff while the guys went out to explore the city before their show.

It was getting late, Amara hadn't shown up yet and the guys were getting worried.  Their show started in thirty minutes and Till was still not dressed.  They gave him ten more minutes before they start nagging him to get ready.  Luckily for them, Amara burst in huffing and puffing before storming up to Till and punching him in the chest.
You seriously going to be late for your own show?! I get a text saying you were being uncooperative and your show starts in twenty minutes! All just so I can fix your leg!?
"Yeah." Said Till.
Amara took in a deep breath and calmed herself before kicking everyone else out so she can work at full speed.  Once everyone left, Amara signaled for Till to strip so she could apply the bandage.  This time not caring that the man was only in his underwear.  Quickly doing the same as yesterday she helped him into his pants and boots, making sure that it didn't take off the gauze on his shin.  Once he cleared both she handed him his suspenders while she zipped and buckled his boots.  Putting on the vest and jacket, Amara's nimble fingers helped him zip, buckle, and straighten in record time.  He barely finished his makeup when Amara pushed him out the room into the hall where everyone was waiting in suspense. 
"Holy shit! She got him in and we have ten minutes left." Said the stagehand.
Amara made a shooing motion as the guys headed for the stage.  Once everything was quiet, Amara went back in to look at the reports the doctor had given her.  Looking over the results a slight frown appeared on her face.

Two hours later, the guys returned cheerful and in the mood to celebrate another successful tour.
Germany was their last performance before they went on a well deserved break.  Going into the dressing room they found Amara knees up and head tucked in between her leg and chest.  Immediately the cheerful mood disappeared.  Till cleared the distance in three hurried strides as he kneeled down the best he could.
"Amara? Are you alright?" Asked Till.
No answer.  Till looked up to the others, who were approaching more carefully, for help.  Placing a gentle hand on her back he waited and Amara soon looked up at him with wet cheeks and red puffy eyes.  Wiping tears off her face gently with his thumb, he asked her what happened again.
Just got the results from the doc here and they also have said it was inoperable. All simulations have left me dead on the operating table. This was the last one. Now that he has said it was impossible, I won't ever get my voice back and I'll still be a walking time bomb. Since everything failed I guess I'll just return home to live out whatever time I have. Sorry. Didn't mean to spoil your festive mood.
Amara got up to leave so she won't be a bother but a strong but gentle grip on her wrist stopped her.  She was pulled back and enveloped in a hug.  She couldn't see anything but she could feel more bodies pressing on her back.  Grabbing harder onto Till's suspenders, silent tears fell as she cried out her feelings.

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