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The next two weeks the two went out on "dates" to get to know each other better.  Which was difficult since Till was recognized everywhere they went.  Luckily for them it hadn't ended up in any magazines yet, but on social media a few pictures started to go around.  Amara prayed that her family wouldn't get wind of it as she didn't need them prying as well when she was trying to be a normal person going on normal dates.  By the third week the two gave up on going out and decided to go in instead.  Till invited her to his place so they could have dinner.  Amara arrived ten minutes early and brought with her the vodka she meant to give Till three weeks ago.  Taking the bottle out of the bag, Till had the same reaction as his band mates.
"Amara this is a two grand bottle of vodka!" Said Till.
The others said that too and no I didn't just buy the most expensive one. My dad gave me this one since he said it's something everyone would like.
"You're regifting a gift?" Asked Till a bit confused.
No my dad owns Sky Factory. He and my brothers picked out a few alcohols they thought would be good gifts and then I took the ones you guys might like.
"Your family owns Sky Factory!" Said Till eyes wide.
Yeah. That a problem?
"It's not a problem! Don't you know Sky Factory makes one of best alcohols in the world. Their stuff are quite expensive but they're also known to make the cheapest alcohols at the same quality as other brands." Said Till a bit shocked.
Oh... I didn't know it was that big. I don't drink so I don't really help out there, only knew they were pretty successful. I mean I guess it would be successful if five sevenths of the family drinks and love their alcohol.
Amara gave a shrug when Till gave her a perplexed look at her ignorance to her own family's success.  Getting past that, the two sat down for dinner.

Two months later, the two had gotten to know each other quite well.  Though when the topic of her family comes up, Amara usually skirts around it.  The two were hanging out together with the others when Till gets a call from their tour manager.  Excusing himself, he went to another room to take the call.  Amara went to the kitchen to get something to drink when she heard Till shout.  Calling the rest over as he put the call on speaker so the others could hear.  Sneaking over to see what the commotion was, Amara hugged the wall as she eavesdropped on the conversation. 
"What do you mean our pyrotechnics aren't going to be available!?" Said Till clearly fuming.
"The company that does it is being brought out and being turned into only fireworks production. They won't be able to fabricate or engineer your stages anymore." Said their manager.
"Can we find another company to do the same thing?" Asked Richard.
"Even if we do find a company to do it, there isn't enough time for them to make and test the stage to your specifications." Said their manager.
"What do we do now?" Asked Olli.
"I think we should first find a company to do it. Then we could worry about the stage. We could always reuse the older pyrotechnics." Said Doom.
"Yeah but those are kind of dangerous and who knows if they still work." Said Paul.
"It's fine I'll use them. Go find a company to do it." Said Till before hanging up.
The six of them continued to discuss what to do, while Amara snuck off to make a call of her own.  Hiding in the bathroom she called up Michael, the one brother that could help with the situation.
"Bro I need some help." Signed Amara.
"What! Who do I need to blow up!" Shouted Michael going into explosive mode.
"Not like that! Your company deals with fire and pyrotechnics, I need to use it's facilities."
"Oh. Then of course! You don't have to fucking ask!" Said Michael in a more cheery mood.
"Can you get Gav too? I got something for him to do too."
Michael passed it over to Gavin who was sitting close by playing video games.  The two were like joined at hip and when one was somewhere the other was bound to be close by.
"Ello Amara! Wot can I do?" Asked Gavin.
"I need you to hack into a pyrotechnic company and get me all the information from stage and fire stunt development."
"Anything specific I'm looking for?" Asked Gavin already at his computer.
"Just send me everything you find I'll sort it out from there."
"When you need this?" Asked Gavin already part way in.
"As soon as you can like maybe by tomorrow."
"I'll get it by today." Said Gavin.
"No prob. See you soon!" Said Gavin before hanging up.
Putting her phone away she fake flushed and washed before exiting.  By now Till and the others have split but the tension and worry still filled the air.
Beelining to Till, she placed a gentle hand on his back alerting him to her presence before giving him a message.
Something has come up at home and I've been called back. I don't know how long it takes but I'll call you as much as I can.
"It's alright family is important. Take as much time as you need." Said Till as the air of grouchy-ness lifted a bit from around him.
Amara nodded and gave a kiss on the cheek before leaving.  The action stunned Till as he stared at the doors direction until the sound of her engine snapped him out of it.  Putting a hand on his cheek, previous thoughts became foggy.

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