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A year after Amara moved in, the guys wrote another album and everyone's schedule descended into madness.  Luckily, the various businesses that Amara's family ran helped the process run much more smoothly.  There was already Michael and his pyro company and then Geoff decided to give Sky Factory beer for the open bar the guys decided to have.  This covered the major parts of the show and all the guys had to do was plan the city and how to move everything as well as all the other little details.  With the first show being in Germany, the guys invited Amara's family to attend in the fire zone.  Of course they all agreed, wanting to see for themselves what made a Rammstein show so great. 

Meeting the guys in their dressing room, Amara's family was thoroughly impressed with the show.  Even if they didn't understand much of what was sung.  Especially Michael who was very ecstatic at all the pyrotechnics and the scale they were in.
"Holy shit! That was awesome!" Shouted Michael as soon as he got into the room.
"You guys enjoyed it?" Asked Paul.
"Are you kidding me?! It was cool as dicks! We haven't had that much excitement since our criminal days!" Exclaimed Geoff.
"Then let's celebrate!" Exploded Paul.
Doom and Olli grabbed some beers and some stronger alcohols and passed them out.  Everyone took a drink, even Amara and Ryan who normally didn't drink, and cheered before chugging their drinks.  The guys downed more drinks but stopped before they got drunk since they had to perform the day after and needed to be on the move early morning. 

Amara was planning to follow Till and the guys during their tour which meant another extended time away from her family.  Even in their slightly tipsy and happy moods, Amara could see concern and worry beneath it all.
"I'll be fine Geoff. Now that I'm no longer a ticking time bomb I can go all out." Ensured Amara.
"I know that you little rascal. It's just that the dad side of me doesn't want you to go since you'll always be my little girl." Sniffed Geoff as he fought back the tears that welled up.
"Aw papa Geoff is gonna miss his little girl." Mocked Amara playfully.
"We'll always be a phone call away if you need us." Reminded Jack.
"Yeah! Anything fuckin happens and we'll storm the place like the old days." Shouted Michael.
"Nah she got it. She's the strongest of all of us." Said Ryan.
"That's because I got you guys, now I got Till too." Said Amara.
"Anyways see you in a few months kid." Said Geoff clearing his throat.
"I'll be looking forward to it dad." Said Amara.
Her family surrounded her in a hug before breaking off and saying goodbye to the band.

Now left with Till and the others, Amara turned looking very giddy at the guys.
"Alright! Let's get this party started!" Shouted Amara.
Running up to Till she gave him a kiss before breaking away to start their long tour and new life together.

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