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Downstairs the boys were laughing and partying with the drinks Amara brought.
"Amara! Come you need to try some of this!" Cheered Paul.
Amara shook her head in amusement at the guys getting smashed at noon. It reminded her of her own family who did party quite a bit. Heading to the kitchen she cooked some lunch for herself but made enough for everyone. Till came down clean and alcohol smell free just as Amara finished cooking. Platting extra on one, she slid it over to Till with a fork. The two ate in silence while the other five were partying outside. Once done the two sat in awkward silence.
"There was something you wanted to tell me earlier." Said Till.
Well. I got into an accident three years ago where it shattered my upper spine. The doctors fixed it and I have full mobility of my neck, but there was a piece of bone they couldn't get because it was lodged too close to my nerves. Once my neck vertebrates fused, it pushed the piece into the nerves enough that it paralyzed my vocal cords. When I met you, I was traveling the world to find a doctor who could and would remove the piece. Spain was the last stop now I'm a walking time bomb. I don't know when the bone piece will press further and cut off my breathing. Now from the time I've hung out with you, you seem to be a great guy albeit a bit stupid, that's why I don't want to break your heart when I suddenly drop dead.
Till was speechless and a little relieved that he wasn't the reason she ran away.
"Can I see it?" Asked Till.
Amara flipped up her ponytail and turned around so Till could see the four inch scar going vertically down her neck. His hand ghosted over the scar before tracing it gently. It felt like the ones that littered his skin but newer. Where the scar disappeared underneath her shirt, he could see the start of another scar. Not bringing it up, Till moved away as Amara handed him another message.
Now that you know about my condition, the question is if you still want to go out with me.
Till understood why she had ran. She didn't want him to feel the heartbreak if they had gotten closer and then she suddenly passes. Yet she trusted him enough to show something that was a weakness, an injury that almost killed her.
"Yes. I still want to go out with you." Said Till as he stared into her blue eyes to drive home his determination.
Amara nodded and crashed into him for a hug.
Now that's over there's a small situation concerning my family.
"What about your family?" Asked Till.
They might be a little eccentric, childish, badmouthed, crude humor, and slightly violent bunch who sometimes also does idiotic things to each other or others.
"I don't care if they were criminals. As long as you're with me." Said Till.
Oh the things you don't know thought Amara once the criminal part came out but kept silent about that part until they got to know each other better. Couldn't be breaking her family's cover so soon.
I mean you don't have to meet them yet. But they do want to meet you... soon.
"Then I'll meet them when you think we're ready." Thanks Till.
"What are you two doing in here?" Asked Richard.
The two looked at him and could smell alcohol on him. Not telling him anything the two lead him back outside where most of the bottles Amara brought were either opened or finished. Putting her hands on her hips, Amara looked disapprovingly. Collecting the unopened bottles and the ones that still had some liquor, she hid them away.
"Aw but they were so good." Complained Olli.
Till looked at her with a questioning eyebrow.
Don't worry big guy I got you something too. Not now though. You did drink a whole lot according to the evidence in your room. Give your poor liver a break.

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