Band Meeting

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Back home the guys were all waiting when Till entered.
"So what happened?" Asked Doom.
"We need to talk." Was the only thing Till said before heading in.
The others followed him into the main living room and took a seat and waited for the man to speak his mind. 
"I want to stay with Amara but I don't want to if it's going to put a strain on what we have. So we need to make a decision to stay or not." Said Till.
"We fucking leave! We got kidnapped and tortured because of them!" Shouted Richard.
"Yeah but they did come for us and they said they quit the criminal life." Said Paul.
"I can't believe you're siding with them Paul!" Seethed Richard feeling betrayed.
"You got to admit they weren't all bad when we were hanging out with them. I mean they're kind of like us." Reasoned Doom.
"That's not all they did for us. Our new stage was built by them. Amara told me that she had requested the help from her brothers to build it." Said Till.
"I'm not sure, we can't just go back because they did all that for us." Said Olli.
"That's why she didn't tell us. I only found out when I learned about a bet they had on us that her brother owns the company." Said Till.
Olli gave a nod as he thought about it, which left Richard, who stomped off fuming.  Paul chased him to his room and barged in without knocking.
"Fuck off Paul." Grumbled Richard from his bed.
"Reesh come on, think about it. Most of the time we hung out with them we got along well, it was only one incident." Said Paul.
"But what if it happens again?! What if they have other enemies that see us as a means to get them?" Said Richard.
"Then we ask them. Since we know who they are they have no reason to hide anything from us." Reasoned Paul.
"Please! They're criminals-"
"Ex-criminals." Interrupted Paul.
"They're still criminals!" Argued Richard.
"Come on Reesh. Just ask them the questions you have and then we can make our decision. I'm sure the others have questions for them too." Said Paul.
"Go away!" Said Reesh as he flopped down and covered his head with a pillow.
"Think about it Reesh, I'll tell the others and we'll wait for your decision." Said Paul leaving Richard to grouch it out himself.

A week passed since their conversation and Richard hadn't come out of his room or made a peep either.  Paul was getting worried and when Paul was worried everyone else got worried as well.  Not able to see their little sunshine troublemaker being quiet and down any longer, Doom and Olli asked Till for some help.
"We can't wait anymore. Let's just drag Richard over so Paul won't be like this anymore." Said Doom.
"I agree. Let's have Flake take Paul to the car and we'll haul Richard out." Agreed Olli.
"You guys are fixing the door later then." Said Till understanding the unspoken plan.
"No problem, we'll fix it." Said Doom.
"Alright then wait in the car, he can't escape in a moving vehicle." Said Till.
They nodded and put the plan in motion.  Once Till got the all clear from Olli, he began his part. 

Knocking on Richard's door he gave him a warning and a peaceful way out.  When Richard didn't respond, Till rammed the door open with his shoulder.  Inside he found Richard drunk and backed up into a corner ready to fight.  Getting pelted with a few items, Till made his way over to Richard who was looking for more things to throw at him.  Picking him up, Till slung Richard over his shoulder kicking and screaming as he headed for the car where the others were waiting.  Loading him in, Doom quickly locked the door and headed for the city.  Along the way, Richard stopped fighting and opted to death glare everyone since he had no hope of escaping Till's massive arm pinning him down.

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