All Bets Are In

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A day of hibernation like a bear, Amara was all fueled and ready to go.  Going up to the penthouse to say goodbye, she was met with an ominous feeling.  Going to the gaming area she found her family sitting around the Twins who were telling them about potential boyfriends they met the day before.  Amara face palmed herself at the Twins's leak.  They were known to keep their mouth shut but it seems even they had a tipping point before they spilled.  Shaking her head Amara went in to do damage control.

Knocking on the wall, she got their attention, which of course the Twins became very nervous and scared.
"I hear the Twins are sharing something they're not supposed to." Signed Amara.
"Nah. They definitely were sharing something they were supposed to." Said Geoff.
"Which one is it?" Asked Gavin, shoving a picture of the guys in her face.
"Not telling."
"Aw come on you can tell us! We'll keep quiet about it!" Whined Jeremy.
"Yeah no. If the Twins couldn't keep shut I doubt Gavin would last a day."
"Oi! I'm great at keeping a secret!" Squawked Gavin.
Amara looked at him with a look that said yeah right, making Gavin back down knowing it was true.
"Better idea! How about we bet on who it is and when Amara tells us the winner or winners get the whole pot." Said Trevor.
The other agreed as Trevor pulled out some sticky notes to write down the bets and paste it under each member. 
"You can't do that! This will only encourage you to stalk me like weirdos!"
"Too fucking late!" Laughed Michael.
"Alright then new rules! Today all bets are in and we can't change the bet and the betting sheet goes with Amara for safekeeping of course we all take a picture just incase it just so happens to get "lost"." Reasoned Trevor.
They all agreed, well except for Amara who stood their speechless at her family's ridiculousness.  Gavin was first as he bet five hundred large on Paul.  Next was Michael who bet the same so he won't be out do-ed by Gavin on Richard.  Jeremy bet three hundred large on Richard as well.  Then The Twins bet a total of three hundred large on Olli.  Geoff was next who put down a cool million on Doom.  Which left Jack and Ryan who were still deciding.  Together they bet a total of two hundred large on Till. 

At the end, the order of largest bet to smallest was Doom, Richard, Paul, Olli, and Till with poor Flake not betted on at all.
"You guys done making my life a bet?"
"Yeah we're done." Said Geoff casually.
"You guys better not stalk me to find out who won. My BF is a bit shy so if I catch any of you I'm gonna grind you to paste and feed you to my dog."
"When did you get a dog?" Asked Lindsey who just walked in.
"Sup Lindsay. Don't have one yet but if I catch any of these cocksuckers stalking around I'll get one."
"You have my word I'll keep this one at home." Said Lindsay pointing at Michael.
Making an I'm watching you signal with her fingers, Amara left with the poster all rolled up and safely tucked in a tube.

Making sure she had left Trevor and Gavin let out a giggle.
"Oh no. What did you guys do?" Asked Jack.
"She said we couldn't stalk her, she never said we couldn't track her." Said Trevor.
"You do know that's about the same right?" Said Jack.
"She'll never know there's a tracker on the bottom of the tube. We'll know where she's going and who she's seeing!" Said Gavin who let out a squawk of excitement.
"You do know when she finds out she cream the shit outa the both of you and make you eat the tracker." Said Ryan.
Just as Ryan said that both Trevor and Gavin received two texts from Amara.  The first was her in the car and in her hand was the tracker.  The second was her middle finger with a text: You've been warned.  Gavin showed the others and everyone burst into laughter.  Geoff full on belly laughed at how fast Trevor and Gavin's plan fell apart and they were one thing wrong from getting beaten up by Amara.
"I would lay low for a while if you plan on living." Said Michael between laughs.

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