Her Place

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Amara drove over to Till's place, but sat in the car contemplating.  Calling the man, Amara scrambled for pen and paper after remembering he couldn't understand sign language.  Luckily she found a pad and a pen just as Till picked up.  Waving excitedly, Till chuckled at her energy.
"Hallo Amara. How was your business?" Asked Till.
It went great. Everything's resolved and the family settled again. Anyways come down I've got a surprise for you.
"I'm glad it went well. I'll be down in ten." Said Till before hanging up.
Getting ready he grabbed his keys and raced down to the garage.  Reaching a honk of a car got his attention.  A matte black Zentorno with dark electric blue rims roared to life as Amara stuck her head out the window and waved excitedly.
"You own this!?" Asked Till flabbergasted as he buckled.
I did say I was rich.
"Where are we going?" Asked Till.
A secret.
Amara drove through the streets at the fastest speeds she could go legally.  Till was amazed at her control at such speeds despite being in the city.  Slowing down they turn into the garage of a luxury building.  In the garage, Till spotted many other super cars and bikes among other vehicles.  Parking Amara handed him a note.
You have my bracelet?
Showing her his wrist she nodded.
"Is this bracelet important?" Asked Till as he followed her to the elevator.
It was a gift from Ray who passed away. I modified it to be a security chip. The building's security will recognize me as soon as I step foot on premise. It also has a safety feature that will alert my family if I was in trouble. I just have to destroy the two metal balls on the end and the tracking device in the pendant will activate.
Amara presses for the seventeenth floor and a quick ride later the doors opened to a short hallway to another door.  Till was a bit confused at the design but followed Amara.
Wait here need to check something.
With that Amara cracked the door open slightly and slipped in.  And she was right to do so before letting poor Till in.  All of her secret shelves were opened and weapons of all kinds were on show for the world to see.  In her rush to leave she must have forgotten to close the place up.  Quickly finding her remote she pressed a button that made all the open secret areas close themselves.  Hiding it she opened the door to let Till in just as the elevator stopped on her floor.  Eyes going wide she quickly shoved Till inside and closed the door with keys in hand just as the elevator doors opened.  Out stepped Alfredo who froze in his tracks at the sight of Amara since in his hands were tiny cameras.
"Fredoooooo. I say those are cameras in your hand and I'm assuming you lost some kind of game that the others played to find out who would come and plant them. Am I right?"
"Yeah." Groaned Alfredo.
Amara took the cameras from him so they would think he planted them.
"You will tell no one about this unless you want to go into Ryan's hole. I heard he's got a new cow in it."
Alfredo shook his head vehemently before rushing onto the elevator and mashing the penthouse as fast as he could.  Letting a sigh of relief she headed in to find Till waiting by the door.
You could have looked around big guy and that was one of my less annoying family members. Tried to install cameras to see who my boyfriend was.
"Your family does things like that?" Asked Till.
Let's just say they're less than normal and no there's no cameras. I would have gotten notified if someone came in if they got in.
"You have some faith in your security." Said Till as he took a seat on the couch.
Of course. I designed it and my youngest brother, who's quite good with technology, tried hacking it and hasn't succeeded.
"Doesn't your family live with you? Don't they have the key?" Asked Till.
My dad owns the entire building and each member gets an entire floor of the building but they're usually all in the penthouse where we have our own rooms if we want to crash there.
Amara went over to her computer and plugged in all of the cameras to have them send fake feed of her empty apartment to Gav.
Alrighty! What would you like to eat?
"Your family won't barge in right?" Asked Till a bit nervous.
Don't worry big guy! They don't have the balls to break in and they think no one's here now.
After an impressive display of cooking skills the two settled in for a movie.  Half way in, Amara slumps over onto Till's shoulder asleep.  Giving a soft smile, Till turns off the tv so Amara could sleep.

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