Explanations/Unrully Family

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Something in Till's brain short circuited once he heard his name from her lips.  Before he could say anything, Amara collapsed from the pain.  Catching her, he carried her up to his room so the others won't bother her.  The sun set before she woke up.  There was a slight pain left but it was something she could handle.  Sitting up she found Till asleep in a chair next to her.  Remembering what happened, Amara contemplated what she should do.  Scooching her butt to the edge she nudged Till gently on the arm but it was enough to wake the slumbering giant.
"Amara. Are you better now?" Asked Till concerned.
Amara opened her mouth to speak but only a squeak came out.
"It's alright just type it out." Said Till.
The look of determination and balling her hands into fists around his sheets told him that she'll talk or stay silent.  Trying again, words managed to form albeit weak and whispery.
"I'm guessing you want an explanation." Said Amara.
Till nodded and Amara gave a nod of knowing.
"I didn't want to blow my family's cover so soon in case our relationship didn't work out. We spent a considerable amount and effort faking our deaths to escape our old lives." Strained Amara.
Taking a break to let her voice rest, she continued.
"Fake Funhaus were our enemies before and we had beaten them to the point only the main crew survived. They must have gotten wind of our location through pictures of me and you together." This time Amara stopped due to a coughing fit.
Once it died down she continued.
"I'm sorry that you and the others got kidnapped and for not telling you about my past earlier. If you want to leave I won't mind, I understand." Said Amara.
"I need some time. The others are on edge after what happened, especially Reesh." Said Till.
"No worries. Family first." Said Amara with an understanding smile.

A day later Amara asked Till to drive her back home since she didn't want to be behind the wheel when a headache came.  Pulling into the garage, Amara thanked Till.  Heading to the elevator another headache, as more memories returned, the pain put Amara off balance.  A worried Till offered to help to which Amara accepted. 
"Penthouse. Better with more people just in case." Said Amara.
Pressing the button they rode up silently.  Entering the penthouse they headed to the game room.  Halfway into the room and the first thing they heard was a wet thack followed by people cheering (basically 1:17 and on in video).  Once they registered what was going on, a dildo was stuck to a white board dangling while they were celebrating and Geoff was filming.  Setting off an air horn on her phone, Amara got all their attention since she was in no shape to be shouting.
"Amara! Did you see that!? Ryan stuck it on his first try! Totally called it." Said a very excited Jeremy.
A not very happy Amara (though she was trying to hide her smile) motioned to Till, who was no stranger to dildos, look dumbfounded at the new way of using one.
"Hi Till!" Greated Jeremy with the same enthusiasm.
"Hello?" Said Till, still clearly confused.
"We named it flippy dick stick." Said Gavin.
"Are you okay Amara?" Asked Jack, noticing she was a little pale.
"Headache." Replied Amara.
That set off the entire room again.
"Holy fuck! You fucking talked!" Shouted Michael.
"Yes yes Mogar. Chill." Smiled Amara, voice getting slightly hoarse.
They all dog piled her giving her hugs along with how happy they felt with hearing her voice again.
"So what brings you back kid?" Asked Geoff.
Motioning you're her throat, the others nodded in understanding as she switched back to sign language.
"I remembered everything and explained everything to Till. He wants some time to think it over since the others are still on edge over what happened. I came back so I wouldn't influence his decision."
"Alright. Come on you've missed a lot of shit." Chuckled Geoff.
The lads exploded with joy as they clamored over each other and led Amara away, leaving Geoff and Jack with Till.
"I know she probably doesn't want me to tell you this but I'm gonna go ahead and tell you anyways. Amara came back so her presence won't affect your decision. Now take as long as you like but don't just fuck off. If you don't wanna stay you tell us. I don't want her waiting forever for an answer when you have already moved on. Understand?" Said Geoff.
"Yes." Was all Till said but it was enough for Geoff who then buggered off to find the lads.
"Thanks for bringing her back safely. Whatever decision you come to, we all will respect and I'm sure Amara will understand. Now you should go before the boys start throwing bigger dicks around." Ended Jack with a laugh.
Nodding, Jack saw him out while Amara watched him drive away sadly from a window.

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