chapter eight

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radah radah radah.

and that's on chowder.

They all nodded in response. "Yep." Uruoiku said. Rori pointed to the other team. "Natsuki is one of the strongest players on the other team, she's also their captain." Rori explained to me. I nodded slowly.

Nimachyui crossed her arms and scowled. "Well she's a total pain in the ass." She said abruptly causing Rori to gasp. "LANGUAGE NIMA. LANGUAGE." Rori flailed as she covered my ears.

I shook her hands off my head and sighed. "Well Nima-Senpai isn't wrong." I said and crossed my arms. Rori looked down at me, a wave of anger rising in her. It seemed that the anger had spread to the other two as well.

"What did she do?" She asked in low voice. I scratched the back of my head. "She....kinda....declared war and junk on us, nothing big or-" "OH COME ON. EVERY YEAR." Rori screeched, causing me to look up at her in confusion. Rori seemed a bit pissed actually.

Nimachyui looks over at the other team. "Every year they scope out our team, all the new players, all the strongest ones." She started. I sat down on the bench beside them. "Well, Natsuki does this thing where she likes to go against us in competition. But since this is her last year in highschool...." My eyes watch the other side of the court, as Natsuki serves, the volleyball pounding into the ground. "...I'm guessing she'll play extra hard this season." Nimachyui spoke.

I frowned a little. "She says she's going to win today." I spoke a little annoyed. Rori looked down at me, she scratched her head. She could tell I was a bit distraught about this.

Rori ruffles my hair and chuckled. "Don't get so overwhelmed about it..." she started. I looked up at her. "....she does this every year, and every year....we beat her." Rori put her arms on her hips and smiled proudly.

I look over at Uruoiku and Nimachyui and they both shake their heads. "We almost beat her, Rori." "SAME THING." Rori sputters back.

The team stretched some, warmed up, and all that fancy stuff. We were currently all surrounding coach chima, the practice game was about to start. (I just went back to my recent chapters and thErEs So mAny fricken TyPos,,,)

Coach chima looked at all of us as we stood around her, the voices of the other team practicing could be heard, calling for a ball. An irritated look was on her face making me shrink in my shoes.

"Okay listen up..." she started. Everyone around me straightened up, becoming a little tense. " we are going against Inarizaki High." Chima spoke. "We haven't practiced much nor played any practice games this will show where we're at as a team." Everyone nodded in response. She crossed her arms and gave us all a slick smile. "Go out there and have a good time, and remember..." Chima met with my eyes. "'s just a practice game." My face turned a little red and I quickly looked at the floor embarrassed.

Everyone nodded and we all rushed out to the court. Rori jumped up and down. "Okay okay! Everyone circle up!" She said. Everyone linked arms and formed a circle. "Let's have a good time, and try our best out there, okay?" Everyone nodded. "Alright! On three shiro!" I put my hand in the middle and the others followed along. " two three oh! let's go shiro!" "HAI."

Everyone marched to the line, including me. We all bowed. "Let's have a good match!" Both teams said.

I stretched as I walked over to my spot. I was in the starting line up, in which I wasn't too sure why, they haven't seen me play much.

I put my hands behind my head, closing my eyes for a second. I breathed out. You've got this, don't panic, you are alright.

I have this uncomfortable feeling. I feel like someone is staring holes into my back.

I slowly open my eyes and look around, my eyes scanning the gym. I then come across Natsuki. She was on the other side of the net from me, her stare cold as ice.

It gave me cold chills and I looked away, feeling her eyes still on me. I didn't like it. I peeked back, our eyes meeting, Natsuki still has that cold look on her face. She brung her arm up and pointed at me, causing me to step back. "You." She spoke. "I plan to see you do your best today or else coming to this practice match was a waste of my time." Natsuki spoke.

An arm was put in front of my, as if they were guarding me. I looked up and seen Rori. "Stop picking fights with my team mates Natsuki." Rori said in a low tone. Natsuki stared at her for a second before turning away. "I'm serious this time Roricho." Natsuki spoke before walking away.

I stood where I was for a minute or two before Rori jumped me out of my daze. "Y/n-chan are you good?" Rori asked me as she shook me from side to side. I tried to nod as my body was being shook back and forth but failed.

Uruoiku smacked the back of Rori's head. "Stop that before you make her dizzy." Uruoiku warned as Rori let go of me, tending to her head. "Ow! Uru that hurt!" Rori whined and rubbed her head.

I basically melted into the floor as my eyes ran circles. Uruoiku and Rori looked down at me, tilting their heads. "Rori, I think you broke her."

Rori and Natsuki walked up to each other to shake each others hand. The tension between them was tight, the both of them keenly giving each other a glare. The two bowed before shaking each others hand.

"Nice day for a game isn't it Natsuki? Huh?" Rori said as a scowling smile appeared on her face. "What makes you say that Roricho?" Natsuki said as a deadly aurora formed around the two. Rori looked her in the eyes as their grips on each others hands tightened. "Oh nothing, just that my teams going to kick ass today." Rori said. Natsuki tilted her head as a ticked smile appeared on her face. "Is that so? Hmm? Well we'll see."

The two bowed once again before letting go of the others hand and walking away. The ref threw the ball to our side which meant the other team was receiving. Which made sense since we came to their school, so we're the guests.

I looked back at who was serving and it seemed to be one of the second years named Tamiera Hikami. The girl had keen gray eyes with long black hair. I had seen her around at practice a few times but I never really spoke to her.

She threw the ball up and did an over hand serve, sending the ball to the other side of the net.

Okay this is it, don't screw it up y/n.

I'm in a good mood so I may write some more tonight but I really doubt that I'm going to manage to get a chapter done, but I'm going to try and update daily, or at least weekly!

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I'm in a good mood so I may write some more tonight but I really doubt that I'm going to manage to get a chapter done, but I'm going to try and update daily, or at least weekly!

Remember to drink some water today if you haven't <3
Word count: 1258

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