chapter ten

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my phone is being a pain and messing up my font for no reason -_- but you guys can't see it bc it updates the font back to the original everytime i publish a chapter.

also i don't know if i ever made this clear to you guys but you're a second year :3

I jumped up, my hand smacking the ball, but instead of it sailing across the court like everyone thought it would, I spiked it downwards throwing Natsuki and another blocker off.

I hopped back down on my feet as the ref blew the whistle, signaling that we got a point. Natsuki gave me a deadly glare as she hopped down from her block.

I decided to stare back until she looked away, and surely enough, she got annoyed and turned away, walking back to her spot. My inner self did a little victory dance as I got her to stop.

It was my turn to serve and Amaterasu passed me the ball. I bounced the ball on the floor a couple of times, then hearing the whistle blow.

I breathed in, having what it felt like to serve come back to me.

I tossed the ball up and jumped, smacking the ball across and......right into the back of Amaterasu's head.

I nearly shrieked, as I basically melted onto the floor. Rori and Uko tried to hold in their laughs, covering their mouths with their hands. Natsuki stuck her tongue out at me. "Looks like your not good at everything myūto~" she said and laughed.

Amaterasu slowly turned around and gave me a look that told me "you're dead.", causing me to shrink further into the ground.

Oh no, I just cost us a point all because I messed up a serve, oh goodness gracious. I knew I was going to screw up, I just knew it.

Uruoiku, Oumouna, and Nimachyui all walked over to me and lifted me up, Oumouna fanned my face. "Breathe my child, breathe." She said. Nimachyui and Uruoiku joined in, fanning my face with their hands. "Y/n-chan it's just a serve, don't worry!" Nimachyui tried to comfort me. "....Failed....Hit Amaterasu....Screwed up....." I wailed, my body was like jello.

Uruoiku had to look away, her laughter overcoming her. She bust out laughing and let go of me. She was bent over holding her stomach as I flopped to the side.

"BAHAHAHA WHAT WAS THAT?" Uruoiku laughed. Her laughter was somewhat contagious and soon Uko and Rori were dying of laughter as well. Rori was on the floor, tears springing out of her eyes from laughing so hard. "OHHHH MY GOODNESS." Rori breathed out as she wiped a tear from her eye.

I laid on the floor, my face flush from embarrassment. People on the other team had started to laugh as well, making my face turn more red.

I was up in the front again, and on the other side, of course, Natsuki.

Once again she stared me down, and once again, I stared back. This lasted for a few minutes until the ref blew the whistle, and their team sending the ball over the net and right to Oumouna.

Oumouna received it and passed it to Uko, and Uko set the ball to Rori. Rori jumped up and what it seemed, put all of her arm strength into spiking the ball. The ball then shot through the arms of the blockers on the other team and right to the Libero. The Libero fumbled the ball and it bounced the opposite way from the others, and off the court.

I glanced over at Rori as she had a proud look on her face. You could tell how strong she was, her stance was purposely intimidating the other team as she stared down Natsuki.

I wanted to be that strong too. I genuinely envy most of the team, cause of people like Rori. They're so outgoing and confident, unlike me. I just wish I could talk to others easily without getting worked up.

I looked to the back and to the looks of it, Amaterasu was serving. She stared at the ball, trying to find her focus as it seemed.

The whistle then blew and she threw the ball up, smacking the ball. The ball flew over our heads and right to their Libero once again. The ball was then sent to their setter. "I'm here!" Natsuki yelled as she waved her hands. The setter then made eye contact with Natsuki and set the ball to her.

I was right in front of them, almost vulnerable. My breath hitches as I jumped up and stretched my arms. Natsuki spiked the ball downwards, making the ball go right for me, and eventually, the ball got through my block. The ball smacked right into the ground right before anyone could get to it.

I looked down at the ground as I landed back on my feet. Another point. I cost the team, another point. I clenched the bottom of my shirt as I could hear Natsuki laughing from her side of the net. "Ha-HA look at that! LOOK AT THAT. Did you see that euri? Hmm? Hmm?" Natsuki asked eagerly to the setter.

I sighed as I looked over at the score board. We were at a tie, 20:20. Well, it's not too bad. We could surely catch up if we really tried.

The ref blew the whistle and I looked back to see coach Chima waving us back for a time-out. We all ran to the back and circled around her, some of us stretching and drinking some water.

"Okay, so we're at a tie." She said as she gestured towards the points on the board. "Now I understand that this is the first practice match, game, or whatever as a team, but listen here..." she crossed her arms. "...where is the communication?" The coach asked. "This match is almost over and the only time you guys have managed to work together is getting the ball to Uko or Uruoiku." Chima said disappointed. She glanced at all of us. "Now, I expect you guys learn how to communicate with each other more clearly and quickly or else we will be spending more time on that when we get back." She said. Chima looked over at Rori. "Rori, do whatever fits, and work well with them..." Chima then looked to the rest of us. " you guys communicate is all up to you." She said and uncrossed her arms.

Rori looked at all of us and sighed. She rubbed her face for a second, as if she were thinking. "Now that I think of it, we haven't really talked to each other much or gotten a feel for the team since the new members." She started. I stood next to Uruoiku, making sure to our attention.

Rori sighed. "For now, call for the receives and let's see how that goes. We can work on getting a feel for each other as we continue to play, okay?" She said, everyone including me nodded. Rori grinned. "Alright then, let's get going." She finished and ran out to the court, everyone following along and running to their spots.

I'm typing these little thingys in bold now:3 (i didn't re-read this chapter to check for any mis spelling or grammar sooo😳)

But I've been writing this chapter for a few days, and this was sorta just dragging on, but some romance is about to stir up in a chapter or two sooo:33

Gah I'm so tired >o<

Remember to eat and stay hydrated. Drink some water! And remember to sleep well 😡 luv ya !

Word count: 1287

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