chapter seventeen

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yeah well. corona virus really did all of a favor and dropped school for us...


it's canceled until my birthday man...😒

but yeah even though i have more time to write,,,, i will probably barely update,,, because i have so much free time to work on my edits and music so agHHahshd

I dragged my feet along as I said goodbye to tendou. We both went our separate ways, as it was the end of the school day.

Ushi was waiting for me outside, him and Rori were chatting.

It made me panic.

Did he tell her?

I slowly made my way over to them, Rori looking down at me. She had a fond look on her face. "Heya y/n!" She said as she ruffled my hair. I gave her a small smile and a little wave.

Ushi gave her a nod and started to walk away. "I'll see you at home y/n, we have some things to discuss, but I'm sure Rori will explain most of it." He spoke and threw me a wave.

I titled my head a little as I watched him walk off and turned to Rori. "What is he-" she flicked my forehead. "OW." I screeched as I rubbed my forehead. I turned to Rori. "What the heck was that for!?"

Rori stared down at me, an aura covering her. It gave me c h i l l s. "Did you really think that you would get away with not telling me?" She asked in a dark voice.

I deadpanned and rubbed the back of my neck sheepishly. "..heh..." I nervously laughed.

Jeez it's all happening so fast, first this, then that, what next?

Rori raised her eyebrow at me. "Well, you're not getting away that easily, me and the team have a plan, and your brother, waka-san, is helping, along with his team." She said.

I almost vomited right there on the spot. "W-why so many people...?" I asked as my soul was practically ripped out of me as Rori picked me up from drooping.

Rori crosses her arms. "The more the better." She spoke. "Anyways, we have a plan that could change your parents mind about you moving."

I sighed and looked down. "Rori-san. You are out of luck." I told her feeling bad. "My parents are very, very, strict people. Once they have their mind made up, you can not change it." I told her. Rori smacked the back of my head.

"OW. Stop hurting me...!!" I yelled as I sheltered my head. She narrowed her eyes.
"Y/n, I am disappointed in you." She told me as she crossed her arms. "How could you not even try to change their mind?" Rori asked me. I looked up at her a little annoyed. "...and you think I haven't tried..?" I asked her, hurt at the thought of having to leave.

The wind picked up outside and the sports clubs were seen running outside.

I shook my head as I looked down. "I tried telling her how much I love it here, how much I've accomplished and even the friends I've made..." I told her. Rori's face softened. "Kiddo..." I shook my head. " matter what she just won't listen!" I yelled angrily. My face felt hot from yelling and I sighed. "There's nothing that I can do.."

Rori shook her head and sighed. "Everyone has a soft spot kid." She told me. She walked over to me and threw her arm around my shoulder, forcing me to walk with her to the gym. "You see.." Rori started. "...I have soft spots, even coach chima."

We walked down the side walk and eventually got to the doors of the gym, walking in. I looked around and seen everyone, uruoiku, uko, oumouna...everyone.

the sister of ushijima (tendou x reader)Where stories live. Discover now