❄️into the unknown❄️

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Russia's pov.

I keep hearing noises but I tried to ignore them I was on my bed trying to sleep but the noise keeps distracting me from my damn sleep.

I got out of bed open my dorm room door and closed it "dad I can here you,"
I know you guys thought he moved away he did he it's just how his quirk works when he fell apart he turn into like particles and just whispers to my ear which I wish it'll go away.

Ugh come on Russia he's not a voice he's just a ringing in your ear everyone I ever loved is in within these walls I picked up a picture frame of my friends at Disneyland.

"I'm sorry Dad but I'm blocking your calls,"

"But you never knew what will happen next son,"

"I HAD MY ADVENTURE I don't need something new I'm afraid what I'm risking if I follow you," I open the balcony doors looking at the distance still listen to the whispers.

I was getting annoyed and I went to go open the front door and look around.

"What did you want that's been keeping me awake?" I quietly sang

"Are you here to distract me so I can make a big mistake?" I thought for a moment

"Or are they
Someone out there
Who's a little bit
Like me who
Knows deep down....
I'm not where I'm meant to be..."
I sang in the medium tone I look at my hands snowflakes everywhere blue lighting glowing through my hands.

"Everyday is getting harder as I feel my power grow," once I used my power it bumped me to make an ice portal?

That's it I'm going in see I went through it holy jumping Jesus on a cracker this is fucking beautiful this is incredible everything is so colorful everything was moving it's like a when you turn a FireWork into an animation.

I think that's impossible but whatever everything is just flying in the air I keep striking my work making a big snowflake under me.

America's pov.

I woken up in the middle of the night hearing...singing? Who could be singing in 3 in the morning?

I got off my bed put my see through robe on with a pink fluff on the back and went outside trying to find out who is singing this hour are nobody hearing this?

I was looking around to find Russia with a big snowflake under him  he was following running to the little light he was at the edge of the cliff he use his quirk to make the ice have not room trying to reach for the light.

He is a really and I mean REALLY good singer like he hit the high note Ariana grande is tweaking these diamond icicles are so cool.

"Russia?" His eyes widened blushed in embarrassment "OH!! AMERIKA I DIDN'T SEE YOU UM WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE DOLL?" He blushed even more I blushed also he hasn't called me doll in a long time.

I actually kinda like it it's so cute when he's embarrassed "did you did this?" I asked him he look at the icicles around us.

"What do you think fucking fatass?" Oh nah I know what he's trying to do he's trying to hide his feelings he does that a lot I put a smile on my face walking towards him "I never knew your quirk can do this,"

He gave up "well, I can also do this,"
He made an ice heart I blushed and he turn it into a bowtie and put it on my neck it was cute.

"Thank you, it's really beautiful ruski..."

"No problem doll it fits you so well ," I smiled at that comment I guess he still have feelings for me since we broke up maybe we can get it back together?

EU'S Angels Season 2: Fire drillWhere stories live. Discover now