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warning this chapter has disturbing images and harsh language if you fon like that then don't read this chapter well some of y'all gonna read it anyway

Third person.

America made it to the palace he is still wondering were did that ice quirk came from he looked around making sure nobody has behind his shoulder but he also feel like somebody is analyzing my every move.

Which somebody is he was looking at paintings of Prussia reichtangle and third the German family but third didn't look happy in the picture and the next one is all the other German family members who had the throne.

And of course third didn't want the throne he wanted a family and the next picture is third defeating Prussia with Prussia's own flag.

This is how you banish a country:

You have to find the exact flag as they had on they're face

You hold it up in front of them and say потерянные жизненные желания
( Lost life wishes)

And they will sucked into they're own flag locked it away they'll never be seen again.


And the next picture was torn off wonder what happened.

Belarus pov.
It was the morning and America was gone he's probably visiting his dad I was  going back to college  and go to my classes when I was getting my stuff and went to the bathroom once I went in I spotted China that backstabbing whore "Hey!" I yelled she looked up at me.

I went up to her and slap her across her face "WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT FOR!?"

"That's for backstabbing me and Japan you told her last year you will be her friend and your over here lying!?"

"Ok ok I know I should've have done that I know I'm sorry but it's the only way for them to leave me alone,"

"And leave it all to Japan and the other's wow some friend you fucking are your a fucking lier!" I yelled at her we were going back and forth it was her fault because Russia was taken.

"Ok just listen I can tell you everything but not right now so here have my number and we will talk later," she said as she gave me her number I really wanted to know what's going on so I took it she left and I was alone in the bathroom.

Back at home

Ukraine went back upstairs while I was in the kitchen thinking should I call her or not so I decided to text her but I noticed she texted me already.

🇨🇳> Hey Belarus I just wanted to tell
you if we could link up at Starbucks so I can tell you what's going on.

🇧🇾> Sure, I'll be on my way

I dressed up and then I went to star sitting on the table waiting since EU died the angels didn't know what to do but right other agents who gets in they're way but anyways I waited for 40 minutes and she didn't show up it's literally 8:40 so now I'm pissed so I wasted part of my day waiting for a backstabbing bitch who didn't come to talk.

She also said she was on her way so 7:41 so it was wait 1 hour she has not texted me or called me so I decided to call her but she didn't pick up of course ya know what I'm fucking leaving and collage is tomorrow so it's almost 6 I went back home and went to sleep.


I woke up to hear my phone ring fuck who is it now at this point I'm over it so I called her one more time

China: why are you keep calling me?!

Belarus: because I wanted to know what's going on and I was literally waiting for 1 hour and you still haven't showed up and you said you were five minutes away.

China: listen I just don't want talk to you right now I'm just going through something

Belarus: ok I get that but why would you ask me to link up for me to wait at a Starbucks if you ain't gonna come?

China: I was on my way

Belarus: you were obviously not don't you think that's a little fucking rude just taking time out of my fucking day.

She hang up wow what a bitch so obviously she was trying to destroy the angels population by fucking lying to me and getting ride of them one by one untuckingbelievable I went back to sleep.


I was on my phone barely awake it's still early and I just got another message from China fucking yay let's see what she has to lie about now.

Sometimes people don't fucking change I didn't even ask her time come she fucking asked me I'm still living in LA like the others I just wanna move on but when I look at the text I'm like what the flying fuck.

🇨🇳> Listen I'm sorry that I did not tell you I got caught up. That was wrong &  I know that. I
Honestly just thought that you weren't that pressed to meet up anyway but do you remember lavtia your ex boyfriend that I'm dating right now I know you don't want to listen but hear me out. Honestly I'm on my way to the door and lavtia got mad and didn't want us to meet up....
Reichtangle pressured me to work with him with north and Afghanistan.
So he forced me back in the house and put his hands on me so I'm sorry that was carefree on the phone but I was just so angry and shooken up by the situation.

🇧🇾> So he forced you in the house and beat you half way to death?

🇨🇳> Yeah and that's not all so you know I'm not lying look at my ARM!!

What!? Ok so basically she was saying that my ex boyfriend was mad because he didn't want us to meet up therefore he knew what China was too witch reichtangle and he's ok with it but he is not ok with me and China linking up?

This feels unreal to me and China send me a pic

FUCKING MICHAEL JACKSON CRACKER DID HE REALLY HURT HER THAT BAD!?So he was getting physical which is not fucking cool but this pic IS CRAZY I'm sorry I can't take this

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So he was getting physical which is not fucking cool but this pic IS CRAZY I'm sorry I can't take this.

🇨🇳> He literally grabbed me and won't let me through the door... I literally had to scream and hit him with a lamp he finally got of me after a neighbor called the dorm security here at Japan's apartment I just want you to know I was serious about meeting up with you I'm so sorry I didn't expect for things to go far.

Ok first of all this situation is insane first Russia now China from the beginning when Russia joined the angels agent community it's been crazy even I noticed it I feel like I'm in a movie or a book seeing everyone suffer from this but my ex if he really put his hands on a woman that's insane and fucking fucked up like everything that happened is like what is so extreme for you to fucking grab her like that why is he THAT upset about it!?

Like what caused him to do that....


1237 words

EU'S Angels Season 2: Fire drillWhere stories live. Discover now