⬇️Underground ⬇️

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Ok I really love this song and I remember in season one when Reich was playing the trombo- I mean violin...yes I want this song to be in this chapter.

Anyway on to the chapter


"Don't take another step!" China yelled
"Not another step? So I can step on your neck?" America threatened. ( Damn America ok)

"Listen whatever you are doing it's illegal like come on it's raining you, women!

"Well if you BRATS WOULDN'T TAKE THE SPOTLIGHT THIS WOULDN'T NEVER HAPPENED angels and demons used to be working together people enjoy your community!" China was about to take America's quirk but Belarus got in the way.

"No, I won't let you hurt him why can't we just be friends and move on of our lives how about we worked together and stop fighting what we want!"

"Aww, poor little angels had a little girl with no quirk?"


"Oh, I did and I'm not sorry you see I'm not going to make you feel miserable I'm trying to kill you all one by one starting with~" that's when she did it Prussia pushed China off the edge and she made Russia and America stayed still Belarus know why china did that everything was planned everything.

That's when Belarus can't let another soul die she jumped off the building all because she wants to join her Russia couldn't believe his eyes.

"AHCK!" Russia turned to America with black tears around him he didn't have his sunglasses like he always does Russia never sees his eyes one of them is pitch black the other was normal so America is drowning in his own tears.

"Oh, what a shame your sister is long gone all because she wants to save a backstabber how unfortunate,"
Prussia cooed everything is gone it's over that's what he thinks.

Belarus came back up with China wrapped around her arms she was ok!

Prussia was devastated she thought Belarus didn't have a quirk but in that last moment, she finally got one.

Poland's pov.

We were outnumbered until I remembered something Nazi played the violin 16 years ago where he set people free but we are not moving again we are fighting "GUYS I'LL BE RIGHT BACK!"

"B-BITCH WHERE ARE YOU GOING?!" south K. said but I didn't listen I flew back to Angel's corridor"Come on where the hell is it?!"

Poland was trying to find the violin that reich used 16 years ago once he found it he flew back to the debate "GERMANY GERMANY HERE PLAY THIS AS YOUR DAD DID!"

Germany look at it for a bit and took it he hesitates and then he played ( underground on top ↑)

Holy fucking shit those robots just got blown away at least we know where the robots come from once it was clear we get to go inside the building and we got to the roof.

FUUUCK REICHTANGLE AND PRUSSIA ARE BACK but America, Russia, and Belarus are doing combat rectangle and Prussia turned to Germany, "THAT VIOLIN AGAIN!" Rectangle yelled oh fuck see were dead.

"GRAB HIM!" Prussia demanded
Ah, shit here we go again, "

America's pov.

I got punched through the door bro why the fuck is Prussia so fucking strong THIS IS SHIT I was about to open the door and fight again I felt something touching my waist I quickly veer around to see...Mexico OH HELL NO!

"Ah, señorita I'm so glad you became mine~" bitch no get the fuck away from me you fucking rapist "Fuck no YOU DRUGGED ME AT THE FUCKING PARTY YOU FUCKING YANDERE!"

Mexico pinned me to the wall, ah fuck I'm about to get rapped wait he's trying to kiss me a fuck I'm getting nervous I didn't know Mexico liked me like this, he probably has wet dreams about me too I put my hand against his lips.

"I'm sorry Mexico but I'm not into you love Russia..." He put his head down in disappointment and....anger.

"Russia...that skank but why him you two always fight~"

" yeah but that was in the past but I'm feeling really uncomfortable so please let me go-" and he kissed me welp I'm a fucking slut but I need to get Russia but I don't have to Russia already recognize why I'm gone Mexico stopped kissing me "THERE YOU ARE YOU FUCKING СУКА!" He yelled kicking
Mexico beating the shit out of him.


Ok I'm gonna let Russia work on that one but right now I need to see if the others are ok I went back and their still fighting I fuck I'll be wearing a trash bag and Mexico will still tried to pounce on me.

Once russia was done he froze reichtangle "GERMANY USE YOUR VIOLIN!" My brother yelled Germany did as he told he use his violin?

Wait isn't that Nazi's violin?

Reichtangle got blown off the edge and he broke in pieces fuck we killed him
But Prussia got blown away too but we didn't see her fall she probably left.

"Damnit she escaped!" Russia face palmed as we all sigh but the fight isn't over fucking north he pushed me off the edge and try to fight me in the air bitch what is this my little pony the movie?!

"OH BITCH YOU GOT A KNIFE!?" He chuckled "wait do you think it was DUMBASS!?" he was about to stab me but I grab his wrist he's too strong were about to die I kick him in the balls.

he screech in pain but the good thing is we landed in the water "AMERICA ARE YOU OK?!" My brother Canada yelled for my attention I put a thumbs up above the water.

Germany's pov.

"We need to get down their!" Everybody else agreed China come with but she stopped "Wait a fuck where's Mexico?" She asked I have to be honest I didn't know Mexico was here I was to busy doing conflict.

"Oh, yeah I took care of him he's lying on the floor," Russia said well at least he get to punch Mex in the face we got down to the concrete floor and help America out Russia rush up to him and hug him tightly.

"Are you ok? Are you hurt?"

"Россия детка я в порядке, я просто мокрый" (Translation> Russia babe I'm ok I'm just wet) what...WHAT the fuck America speaks Russian now?!

Russia blushed he chuckled as he was rubbing his neck "THAT WAS SOO CUUUTEE!" Japan scared the fuck out of me but we get into our normal lives.

Third person.

The next day the angels were hanging out at the beach belarus and Canada walk up to them with China north was arrested for attempted murder China apologize to the Angels they gave China
Another chance.

"Hey um guys me and Canada were wondering if we join the angels community," America spit out his drink.

"Wait you wanna join our community?!"

"Yeah, China can join too?"

"Well, yeah but she won't be doing dangerous missions until we said she can come right now she's on communicating duty," America said China nodded she was embarrassed and shy after all of that happened.

Now Canada,China and belarus are now part of the agent angels.

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