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China's pov.

Everybody was asleep, I feel so embarrassed my eyes were so blind to have the spotlight was I THAT desperate....but at least I'm apart of them it's been months later after that incident I decided to walk around the side walk to the forest it's snowing.

I heard crying who would be I search what the noise was and it's a boy but what is he doing out here it's snowing for fuck sake I walk up to him "Hey, are you lost?" He turned around fuck wait a minute his flack it's like Nazis and Soviets but mixed into one.

How the fuck is that even possible they're both guys!

Or they created a child of they're own yeah sounds like them he was scared alone and cold I took off my jacket and put it on him "here come on I'll take you somewhere safe," he hesitated but took my hand anyway we walked back to the Angels lobby his eyes shine in excitement I think he knew them already.

We walk inside to see Germany over working again "um hey Germany..."

"Oh.. hey China what do you wa- who's that?"

"I don't know I just found him in the snow he has nowhere to go but I think this is your dad's and Soviets child look at his flag," Germany walk up to us and look at his flag his eyes widened he didn't know he had a brother.

"Well I'll make him some hot chocolate you keep him warm," he said I nodded in agreement I put the kid on the couch
Poland came downstairs still tired he went to go get some water.

"Hey poland..." He looked at me and just smile and waved ans he noticed the kid "who's that?" He asked.

"Oh this is- " before I could start the kid answered his question "I'm Soviet Reich!" He smiled now the kid is comfortable.

Poland and Soviet Reich talked to each other until Germany came back with the hot chocolate SR was comfortable already.

In the morning America's pov.

I was in my room looking at my left eye it's just pitch black darkness the TV was on when I woke up it was the news talking about people on top of the build and people falling from the edge damn this is too much I turned off the TV put my shades on and left the room.

I saw a kid?

The kid saw me ran up and hugged me well looks like we  got a fan
"Oh hey there kid what's your name?" I asked him he smiled widely "I'm Soviet Reich I'm my reich's and Soviets child!"

Wait a fuck tech and Soviet had a kid how does that even possible author what the fuck are you trying to pull?

(A/N: America stick to the damn script you have to go through two characters falling in love with you have to survive falling from a building TRYING not to get stabbed while I sit here eating Doritos Making you suffer-)

once the author got cut off by Russia
Put a hand on my shoulder, point his head to the opposite direction.

I nodded and say bye to Soviet Reich
"So, since the others are busy me and you are going to visit our parents, since it's been years." He said I nodded so the next day we went to visit our parents.

Luckily Russia bought plane tickets once we got to the air port we figured out what plane we fly on and made it to our destination, once we got off I hear music?

"Babe why do I hear Soviet Union anthem bass boost playing?" Soviet rush up to us and gave us a hug damn that scared the shit out of me!

My dad UK just walk up to me and lat my head "uhh dad where's mom?" I asked he told me she's at work.

EU'S Angels Season 2: Fire drillWhere stories live. Discover now