Chapter One

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I remember the day my life changed forever vividly, but nothing could ever match the day I forgot it all

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I remember the day my life changed forever vividly, but nothing could ever match the day I forgot it all.

When I woke up that fateful morning, it was to the sound of my best friend moaning with pleasure.

I glanced at the clock, seeing that it was a few minutes before my normal wake up alarm at 6:30.

It was a cold December morning, the snow from the night before still sticking to the ground in a threatening manner for all the Ervine to try and avoid as they tiptoed to their jobs.

I groaned and threw my pillow over my head as thuds came from the other side of the apartment. "Rohn!"

My alarm went off shortly after, and I groaned once again as I continued to hear the grunts coming from his room.

Throwing off my blankets with a sigh, I turned off my alarm and stared blankly at the cracks lacing the yellow plaster hanging onto the walls. I closed my eyes, then proceeded to stretch and head for the bathroom in my room, grabbing a towel from under the sink before getting in.

The water was cold, most likely from Rohn and Amy in the other room, and it certainly didn't help my mood.

The "special water," as the government called it, was designed specifically for Ervine to be able to get clean and stay hydrated, yet no one knew exactly what was in it. Some speculated it was pure water rather than the mixed stuff in lakes and old tap water, but others said it had a certain chemical that prevented it from burning the monster. I honestly didn't care, as long as I could get a shower.

As I washed up, I kept my eyes staring straight ahead, trying not to look down at what some men proudly proclaim as theirs.

I had no use for mine, nor did I care. It was just a reminder of what happened to me three years ago, the scars and fresh cuts still littering it from times I happened to disobey my mind, like today.

I sighed and got the blade from under the shaving cream cap before using it to fulfill what I needed, letting the blood flow for a few minutes.

I knew it was bad, that I shouldn't have been doing it, but it helped me through the worst part of my life.

After I felt my mind calm, I stepped out of the shower to dry off.

After walking back to my room to look for clothes, I realized I didn't have any clean underwear, and that all mine were in the washer downstairs.

"Fuck..." I muttered, glancing at the door to my room. I remembered Amy was here, then muttered a few more profanities under my breath before wrapping the towel around my waist and slipping out the door. Walking into the kitchen area where Rohn was sitting, I sighed with relief, realizing Amy wasn't in there.

He glanced up, then blanched and began coughing on the cheerios in his mouth. "Max...!? Where's your—"

"In the washer downstairs," I said with a low voice. "You got any I could borrow?"

Dark Beginnings ||Part I of the Dark World Series||Where stories live. Discover now