Chapter Five

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It had been about a week since Max was put in the hospital. 

He was getting most of his stitches out today, with the exception of the large gash across his chest, and was doing well enough to leave the ICU and into a regular room for a few days before he could be released.

That meant that today was the day I would have to leave.

And Max, being the clingy idiot that he was... and my brother, was not letting me go alone.

Way to make me feel more guilty Max. Now we'll both die out there.

"Max... I still don't want you going..."

He scoffed. "And let you out there alone? Yeah, right. I'd rather be out there than trapped behind these stupid fences."

I sighed again, but didn't see a point in arguing as the nurse beside us glanced up, trying not to look like he was listening in as he was removing Max's stitches.

"Doesn't that hurt?" I asked as I poked his exposed foot.

Max wiggled his toes before shaking his head. "Nope. Feels strange though."

I shook my head in amusement. "I cried when I got mine taken out when I was eleven. You remember that?"

Max chuckled. "You were eleven. I'll give you a pass."

A snort left me, but nothing else was spoken as the nurse wiped Max's stitch free wound with some anesthetic before putting on some weird strips of white bandage.

"All done. You got the bulk of them taken out. Due to the infection on your chest wound, we can't take those out just yet."

Max nodded, but didn't say anything as the nurse left us in the room by ourselves.

I sighed as Max looked at me, his eyes asking if he should even attempt to ask about Amy.

"No. She hasn't been back, Max."

He frowned, but nodded. 

"Mr. Ashford?"

I hissed. "How many times do I have to ask you to call me Rohn?"

The well-dressed lady in the doorway flinched. "Sorry, Mr... Rohn. I came to ask if you were ready?"

I looked at Max, who nodded as he said, "I'm ready. Let's go."

Sighing once again, I stood up from my chair as Max gently climbed from the bed. "Yeah... let me help him get dressed and we'll be right out."

Most of the paperwork had already been done, so all that was left was to sign Max out of the hospital.

"Are you sure?" I mumbled out after the door had closed, helping Max by grabbing the dried clothes on the counter, where our bags were sitting with anything we deemed necessary to bring with us. "You really don't have to go. I can handle myself."

"Yes, Rohn. I'd rather be with you than here alone. I can't... be alone again..." Max looked away as he mumbled the last part. 

I bit the inside of my cheek and held out the clothes. "Okay. Need help?"

He shook his head. "No. I... okay, maybe with the pants."

I chuckled, but let him throw on the black t-shirt before I grabbed the baggy jeans—better for the wounds, as the doctor had told us—and ordered Max to sit down on the bed.

He did as he was asked, then bent over slightly to help me get them on. 

Once that was done, he got the rest of his clothes on before we walked into the hallway with our bags, where the doctor was talking to my supervisor.

Dark Beginnings ||Part I of the Dark World Series||Where stories live. Discover now