Chapter Eight

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Ho. Lee. Fuck.

Rohn gets annoying as hell once he gets hungry... and tired... and has to walk too long.


"I dare you to say that you're hungry one more time, Rohn," I said with a hiss as I clenched my fists.

He'll get used to it. I had to.

Max was suffering in silence, adding no aid to his friend's complaints.

After a few more minutes, Max finally spoke. "Why don't we take a break? It's been a while since we've taken one."

I sighed, but paused and considered it for a moment. My legs burned with soreness, so I finally caved.

"Okay... fine. Let's take a couple hours before we keep going."

I glanced at the sun and saw that it was starting its decent.

"Fuck... it's gonna be cold when we get back up... but at least it'll be dark..." I mumbled before plopping down against a tree.

Max did the same across from me, and Rohn sat beside him.

"Food?" Rohn questioned quickly.

I tried to hide my smile, but failed. "Okay, but just a little bit. We don't know when we'll reach the next town."

Taking out a wrapped bread loaf from my bag, I passed half of it around before shoving the rest into my bag and taking a bite of my piece.

We sat in a comfortable silence as we ate, not really having anything to talk about.

After he finished his food, Rohn was the one to break it. "So... what's your story?"

I tensed. "What?"

"You know... your past? I mean—you don't have to if you don't want to... but I figured it'd be—"

I shook my head. "Not something I talk about. Sorry."

He hummed, but didn't say much else.

The silence stretched on.

"I was a foster kid," Max said honestly.  "Parents gave me up when I was a baby. Got adopted twice... but they weren't the... best homes."

I sighed. "My mom died when I was four. I was with her at the time, and we'd gotten caught up in a back alley. She was shot and died before the police got there."

"I thought you said there weren't laws?" Rohn asked.

"There aren't in the United States... but where I used to live had laws."

"Where was that?" Max asked.

I shrugged. "I don't remember. Somewhere in Latin America."

"Well, I could've guessed that," Max said with a chuckle.

I rolled my eyes, then glanced at Rohn. "What about you?"

He glanced up, then shrugged. "Father murdered my mother when I was a couple months old, then left me to die. I got found by my Dad, and he raised me for about thirteen years before I got kicked out."

I winced.

Max tapped his leg in thought. "So... what kind of mixed monster are you?"

Sighing, I replied, "Vathovine... Hybrid. You know what those are, right?"

Max snorted, and nodded. "Yeah. What animal?"


Rohn smirked. "Can you show us?"

Dark Beginnings ||Part I of the Dark World Series||Where stories live. Discover now