Chapter Four

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I woke up a few hours after I'd been drugged, only to see Rohn sobbing in the corner of the room.

"Rohn?" I croaked out, him jumping nearly six inches out of the chair.

He let out a strained laugh as he tried to wipe away the still falling tears. "Hey, man. Wasn't expecting you up already."

I frowned, then sighed. "Get over here."

He complied, trying his best to avoid the wires and the bandages as he crawled into the bed with me. I wrapped my arms around him, his hot breath and hiccups from the sobbing hitting my neck as he tried to keep his emotions under control.

I rubbed his back gently, already knowing why he was such a mess.

Amy was his first girlfriend.

They'd been dating since he was thirteen. That was six fucking years ago.

He loved her. She loved him. Hell, I don't know why he never asked the girl to marry him. Especially after... three years ago.

"Hey, it's okay to cry y'know... as much as it hurts me to see you do it."

A quiet chuckle left him, but nothing more as he sniffed loudly.

It went quiet for several minutes as my best friend continued to cry silently. I could tell by the shaking and the occasional double breath.

My heart hurt for him. He was bawling his eyes out because he lost someone he loved. It was like losing a parent... or in his case, like losing... them all over again.

I felt kinda guilty because I couldn't relate. I wished I knew what it was like, but I didn't. Sure, Amy and I had been good friends for those six years, but not to an extent I really felt bad about having to leave her. I just felt bad for her. Both of them really...

God... I was really hoping this wouldn't get depressing again.

Rohn eventually quieted, but his slow breaths let me know he had fallen asleep.

Why did my best friend—my brother—have to cry himself to sleep? It just wasn't fair. Hadn't he already lost enough?

From what I knew, he didn't know his biological parents that well. I knew he'd been raised by a man of mysterious means, as Rohn never let me go home with him, and then when he was thirteen, he fucked up real bad and got kicked out of the house, an extent I thought was not necessary because he was still a kid. That was the first time I'd seen him really cry. If I'd known seeing him cry hurt me, I would've kicked his father in the balls when I had the chance. Somehow, I knew that wasn't possible for some odd reason, but it still pissed me off.

Hell, God pissed me off.

I knew it was bad to blame Him... but at the time, he just seemed to be fucking every single one of us over. For no reason apparent to me at the moment.

However, I would eventually know just what His plan was as it unfolded in front of me.


I was currently holding a razor in my hand, debating whether or not I should just go through with it.

I know I promised... but it was just... hard

It was always hard to stop.

A knock was heard on the bathroom door of the abandoned house. "Babe?"

My heart skipped when I remember I hadn't locked the door, and the knob turned as I looked around for somewhere to hide the blade.

"Sawyer...?" Chris glanced in, then froze in shock as she saw the razor.

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