Chapter Seven

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I was busy looking at the pictures hanging on the walls of the house, wondering why most of them involved Rae in the hospital.

Yes. I had finally gotten the okay from her to use her nickname. We'd been here for about a week, and I only took the time to notice the pictures just now.

"Hey, Noah?" I called out.


"Why's Rae in the hospital in most of the pictures?"

Noah walked in from the open back door, then looked at the pictures before sighing. "She was born a drug baby. We were in and out of hospitals when she was about eight to thirteen while she recovered."

I looked at him. "Wait... drug baby? Aren't those...?"

"Children addicted to drugs because their mother wouldn't stop? Yeah," Noah said before looking away. "If that's all you wanted to ask, may I get back to chopping wood out back? And while you're here, why don't you help?"

I sighed, but nodded. "Fine... I guess I do owe it to you for saving Max's life."

We headed out back, and he pointed to the spare axe leaning on the wall of the house. I took it in my hands and walked over to the tree stump before grabbing a piece of wood. I split it in half easily with a heavy swing, and pulled the axe from the stump as Noah looked at me.

He nodded. "Yeah... that's pretty much it. Split it up into fourths, though."

I nodded, and we got to work. 

I let out a grunt as my axe hit the stump again, then asked, "So, why are your parents not in the pictures?"

Noah let out a sarcastic chuckle. "Why do you think? I just told you Mom was addicted to drugs."

"What about your dad?"

"Not much better. More of a drinker, though."

"When did you guys get put into the system?"

Noah shook his head after splitting another log. "We didn't. I adopted Raven and took care of her after I turned eighteen... which is why she was only in hospitals then. I couldn't listen to her screaming for help anymore."

I froze. 


Noah grimaced. "She doesn't like talking about it... and frankly: neither do I. Can we please drop the subject?"

I sighed, but nodded and got back to work.

After we finished splitting enough for a weeks worth of fire, we went back inside to cool off, even though it was around 50° F outside at the moment. Plus... a storm was rolling in. 

Surprisingly... it was very warm here for it being late December. I guess we're a lot closer to the equator than my old country was. Still, it tended to get chilly in the house during the night, so we had to make a fire in the fireplace before going to sleep if we wanted to stay warm.

"Ew... you guys stink," Rae said from the couch with a grimace as she put her hand to her nose. 

I smirked and got closer to her. "You wanna hug, grouchy pants?"

Raven stood up and backed away, hands out in front of her. "No. You can keep your nasty sweat to yourself."

I glanced over and saw Lionblaze asleep on the couch, Max on he other side of him reading a book.

Max glanced up and took off his glasses. "Rohn, quit bothering her. Just go get a shower."

I pouted. "Everyone's being so mean today."

Dark Beginnings ||Part I of the Dark World Series||Where stories live. Discover now