Chapter Nine

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Wow. They sure know how to send people out quick.

I heard a loud crack, then the sound of a bow string being pulled taught.

"Lion, look out!" I shouted and pushed him down, landing on top of him as an arrow sailed through the air and hit the spot Lionblaze's head had just been.

"Fuck... how did they get someone out here so fast?" He hissed as he sat up, then grabbed his pistol and aimed at the shadow in the trees. "Show yourself, asshole. I'll shoot you if you don't."

I could see the person pause for a second, then they jumped down and stepped into the moonlight.

It'd been two days. We'd thought we'd be safe for a little while. Guess we were wrong.

I pulled out the stolen pistol from my pocket and clicked off the safety as Lion's arm fell in shock.


The gray haired male sighed, then put his bow away. "Yeah... I'm sorry, Lion. I... have orders to follow." He looked at me, then at the pistol and let out a small smile before speaking. "So... you shot Charlie, huh? I'm surprised."

I aimed at him, Max behind me. "Who the fuck are you?"

The guy bowed sarcastically. "Sawyer Brock, the Stirreger Crossbreed trying make a living by killing others. And who might you be?"

I rolled my eyes, then shoved the pistol in my belt. "Rohn Ashford, Lion's friend. You're not here to kill him?"

He shrugged, but didn't say anything.

That immediately put me on edge, my hand tightening back around the handle of the weapon.

Lion put away his pistol, then walked up to him. "I... missed you."

Sawyer cracked a small smile. "Yeah... me too, Lion. How are you with... everything that happened?" He glanced at Max and I for a moment, seeming to ask a silent question.

"I'm... better. Got some help and shit," Lion said vaguely.

Sawyer understood and nodded. "Good."

"So... how's your mom?"



"Killed himself."

"God Almighty... should I even ask about Chris and Brody?" Lion winced.

Sawyer sighed, then shook his head. "Chris and I are... working through some things. Brody's an ass, like always."

The Latino grimaced, then mumbled. "What about you?"

Sawyer shook his head once again, voice wavering a bit as he spoke. "Not good, man."

Lionblaze pulled the crossbreed into a hug as he broke, crying silently into his shirt.

I glanced at Max, who just shrugged and sat back down by the fire. I did the same, and we tried to give them some privacy by trying not to eavesdrop.

Then I heard a single sentence that turned my blood cold.

"I-I'm sorry... but I have orders."

When I looked up the next time, Lion had a switchblade through his chest.

"What the fuck is wrong with you!?" I stared in shock before Sawyer pulled out the knife and let Lion crumple to the ground. Max ran over to Lion, ducking under the swipe meant for his face, proceeding to check the wound.

Dark Beginnings ||Part I of the Dark World Series||Where stories live. Discover now