Chapter Six

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I was on edge.

There were other people in the house than just me, Noah, and Raven. 

I don't like people. They pissed me off too much.

But, because the Zoluquit's—Rohn, I think he'd said—friend was pretty much dead if Noah didn't do something... I guess I could tolerate them for now.

I heard Noah's footsteps coming down the hallway, then stood up as he walked in. "How'd it go?"

Noah glanced at Rohn. "He'll be fine. My question is why he left the hospital before he could get those other stitches out."

The green-skinned monster sighed. "Fucked up real bad and got kicked out of my high school. If you don't graduate you can't stay on that side of the word. He wanted to go with me despite me telling him no."

"That's stupid," Raven said bluntly.

Rohn shrugged. "Just how things work."

"So... you're from the other side of the world?" I asked skeptically.

He nodded. "We've only been here a day. I'm guessing Max reopened the gash when we climbed up that tree last night."

Noah hummed in disapproval. "That's probably it. It was infected before, right?"

He nodded.

"Okay... well, he's staying here for a few days at least before I'm gonna let him leave. Normally I don't let strangers stay without some form of payment... but I guess I'll make an exception this time as long as you help out a bit, deal?"

Rohn raised an eyebrow. "Payment? For staying in a house?"

"Just how things work." I scowled. "Take it or leave it. At least you aren't having to pay in advance."

The Zoluquit sighed. "Fine. It's a deal."

Noah nodded.

It got quiet for a moment.

"So... what are your names?" Rohn asked.

"I'm Noah." Said person held out his hand.

Rohn took it. "Nice to meet you... and thanks. I don't think I could lose Max without going crazy."

"Brother?" I asked.

"Close enough."

I nodded, being reminded of Sawyer and I.

"What about you?" Rohn looked at me.

I sighed. "Lionblaze. Don't ask about it too much."

Rohn raised an eyebrow, but didn't say anything as he turned to Raven. "And you?"

"Raven. These two just call me Rae though. You don't get that yet." Raven crossed her arms.

He sighed. "Are all humans like this?"

"Like what?" Noah asked as he sat down on the other couch.


I scoffed. "We don't have the luxury of trusting anyone. You might wanna get a hard shell like us before you leave."

He seemed to suddenly realize how thick my country accent was when I wasn't trying to keep it under control, as he snorted and tried to contain himself.

I rolled my eyes. 

"Sorry. It's... ah... very interesting to hear so many different accents in one place."

Dark Beginnings ||Part I of the Dark World Series||Where stories live. Discover now