Chapter Two

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BORN: February 23, 2449

I finished putting the last of my belongings in my mom's old, orange and black backpack, then looked up at the dark gray ceiling and blew out a slow breath.

I looked around the room again, then walked to the door.

The couple I'd been staying with was in the living room, eating eggs and bacon.

"Do you want any? Comes with the payment," the husband said.

I shook my head. "No, thank you. Breakfast never sat well with my stomach."

He nodded, then glanced at the bag over my shoulder.

The Asgale sighed. "Already leaving?"

I nodded. "Thanks for everything, but I really should get going."

His wife sighed, then stood up and wrapped her arms around me. "Good luck. Stay safe."

Thanking her again, I pulled away, then glanced at her husband.

He offered a small nod, and that's the last thing I really remember of the couple.

I'd been a wanderer for the last few years, staying in alleys or the rare occasion: a bed and breakfast.

I did small jobs for the people there, normally leaving in a day or two.

I couldn't have him finding me again.

As I walked through the small village made from darkstone, I tried my best to stay out of people's ways.

The people down here were... interesting. I probably needed to head back to Earth soon, but I'm sure those bounty hunters were still after me.

The Underworld was always an interesting place to stay, and although I know my grandpa lived here, I never felt like I really belonged. I liked Earth. Although I was being hunted... it was more home than anything I knew down here.

So, I decided against my better judgement to go back. Maybe Noah would let me stay with them for a while...


I watched the machine beside me create lines representing my friend's heartbeat.

This was my fault.

I looked at Max again, but he looked the same he did before: bandaged, with red spots soaked into the fabric concealing the stitches.

"He's gonna be okay, Rohn. You need to get some rest."

Amy's arms found their way around my neck, her head resting on my shoulder.

I sighed and leaned my head against hers. "I know. I'm just... scared. There's so much that could happen before he gets out... It worries me."

"I know..."

I received a kiss on my cheek, and I smiled gently.

"I don't know where I'd be if I didn't have you."

Amy sighed. "Dead. Probably by your own hand."

Dark Beginnings ||Part I of the Dark World Series||Where stories live. Discover now