Chapter Ten

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"Maximus? Mr. Shackles?"

Sinking lower into the comfort of the bed, I hugged the pillow and groaned. "Not now, Rohn..."

"Who the hell is Rohn?"

I jerked up, looking at the girl standing beside my bed, arms crossed over her chest. 

"Oh—I... sorry."

It went quiet for a moment. 

"You don't remember me, do you?"

I shook my head slowly.

She sighed and rolled her eyes. "Ashley. Now, get up. Dad wants to see you."

"Dad?" I cocked my head sideways, trying to hold in my sarcastic laugh. "I don't have a dad."

"My dad. Not yours. Now let's go. He's waiting."

I scrambled out of bed as she headed for the door. "Wait...! Hey! I gotta get dressed!"

"Then get dressed, and I'll wait outside. Hurry up."

I grabbed my bag and dug out a few clean clothes before quickly shoving them on and debating what to do with my hair.

Ashley knocked on the door. "You done yet, slowpoke?"

I said fuck it, then opened the door and watched as she raised an eyebrow at the clothing choice.

"Black. You're fucking serious?"

I scowled. "These are the clothes I wear. Something wrong?"

She looked up at me, seeming to smirk, and that's when I realized everyone else in the hallway wore white, including her.

I felt myself flush. "White doesn't look good on me. Can we go?"

She scoffed, then turned on her heel and headed down the hallway. I got many strange stares, but tried not to pay much attention to them as my heart rate increased. 

We approached large double door, and she looked at me. "Well, this is where we part ways. I've gotta go find my brother."

She suddenly turned around and walked away, leaving me to stare up at the doors.

I took a deep breath, then walked into the large room, seeing the king and another woman—likely his wife if the crown was any indication—arguing about something.

"He needs to know!" The woman snarled.

The king shook his head. "No. Not yet. I'll tell him later today. I don't wanna scare him off before we get to know him."

I cleared my throat. "Am I... uh... interrupting?" 

They looked up and the woman smiled, shooting a final glare at her husband before speaking. "No, not at all! Come in, dear."

I winced a bit at the name, but walked up to them as the door closed behind me. 

"Maximus... right?" She grabbed my hand and shook it.

"Um... Max is fine."

"Ah, alright then, Max. I'm Sheila. How did you sleep?"

I looked at her. "I think that's the best sleep I've had in weeks. Thank you."

"Our pleasure, dear," she said as she grabbed her husband's hand.

I winced again. "Um... could you not call me that, please? No offense, but it just makes me uncomfortable."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09, 2020 ⏰

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