Chapter 7: Far From Home

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Once I got home that afternoon, I made sure to show my mother the text I got today, which I promptly deleted afterwards. I didn't need to keep it; it only took up unnecessary space on my iCoffin, after all. Then, I didn't have much to do that was of major interest to me. After what seemed like an eternity of just sitting around, doing small things like getting homework done and checking my Facebook, I had no idea what to do with myself. I would have considered texting Jackson, had I not already known he was busy, and that he would be Holt by this point—it was already nearing 7:30, after all.

Since it was already pretty much dark, I decided to walk around outside for a while. There was a bit of a light breeze, and a lot of others would consider it chilly, too, but I didn't think it was that cold at all. It was nice. And I was a vampire, so naturally I wouldn't be all that affected, anyway.

I didn't really have a location in mind or anything; I was just walking around aimlessly. But while I was walking, I thought I saw someone standing atop a roof that was somewhat far away. But when I looked again to make sure I wasn't just seeing things, they were gone.

After that I resumed walking. I knew there had been someone there, but there wasn't anything I could do about it. It was probably just a vampire hunting or something.

It was then that I noticed Holt Hyde crossing over to my side of the street. He had his headphones on as he usually would, so I wasn't sure whether or not he actually noticed me.

"Oh, it's you," he said as he glanced in my direction, answering my question. But his tone wasn't hostile or anything. "What are you doin' out here?"

"Just walking," I replied, "I'm surprised you are; I'd have thought you'd be driving."

"Well, see, normally I would be, but it's not that far, so I was thinkin' I'd walk this time," said Holt. He was now walking beside me.

"Is that code for 'my car keys were confiscated'?" I joked.

"Nope," replied Holt, "Hey, how do you know that's a common thing, anyway? You stalkin' me or somethin'?" he added jokingly.

"Jackson told me," I stated simply.

"'Course he did. Hey, how come you hang around that nerdy Normie, anyway? He's a total dork."

"Because I like hanging out with him," I said, "He's nice. He's also one of the few people who'll actually talk to me when it isn't required for a class or something." I paused before adding, "And if he's a dork, then you're obnoxious. Just saying."

Holt snickered. "You sound just like him."

"Just being honest," I replied.

"And yeah, he's a nice person, but he is still totally lame, yo!"

"I don't think he is," I defended him.

"Whatever. I have somewhere to be, and it's right here. See you around, Valentine."

"Take care, Holt."

He then stepped into a nearby building, which was obviously where his gig was. That was when I decided to head home. The walk back didn't take long, and my mother was reading in the living room.

Tomorrow was Saturday, and my birthday was a week from Monday. Mom reminded me of this, mainly because I hadn't given her any suggestions yet. But honestly, I could think of nothing I wanted, so I simply told her not to worry about getting me anything this year. I didn't need a gift.

As I made my way back up to my room after said conversation with her, the three clouds that used to follow me around all the time appeared before me. To be honest, I had forgotten about them with how little they'd shown up.

I also no longer had any need to keep them around.

"Hey, Valentino!" One said.

"Hello. Uh..." I wasn't entirely sure how to say what I needed to, so I decided it would be best to get straight to the point. "The three of you are dismissed."


"You're free to move on," I explained, "I won't keep control over you anymore; I have no further need of you and I can tell you were never that fond of me to begin with, so you three have your freedom."

The three were silent for a moment, but then they seemed to be genuinely happy that I set them free.

"Thanks, man!"

"Looks like he found a heart of his own!"

"See ya!"

Then they disappeared for the final time. They had moved on. They were all free.

You see, they hadn't been working for me willingly. Centuries ago, I came across them in some graveyard close to my old school, and since they were vocally adept and charming to a degree, I decided they would prove useful to me. So I took control over them—again, to a degree. They were bound to me, but they had free will otherwise. And their opinion of me wasn't very high, so they had no qualms about mocking me whenever I failed in some way.

Granted, they also approved of what I did to others...they weren't exactly benevolent, even if you took me out of the equation.

It was better this way for all of us.

I got to my room and found myself thinking about what Holt was saying earlier about Jackson. It bothered me that he kept insulting him like he was, but it also seemed like it was a normal occurrence. I figured there wasn't much I could do about it; it was between them. But I could at least defend Jackson when I needed to. And either way, I meant what I said to Holt—I genuinely liked Jackson.

I considered sending a message asking if he wanted to hang out tomorrow or something, but since Holt was the one in control and happened to be busy, I chose to wait until morning.

Once morning did arrive, I sent him my text, receiving his reply about an hour later.

10: 34 AM

Jackson Jekyll: Yeah, I'd like that. Where should I meet you?

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