Chapter 10: Jekyll and Hyde

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"Can I have everyone's attention, please?" Mr. Where's dramatic voice rang through the clawditorium. For whatever reason, I was put in a drama class during sixth period. I didn't mind drama, but it wasn't my favourite thing in the world, either. I was okay with acting, but the class was rather huge and that was a little uncomfortable for me.

We'd just finished a warm-up game called Thunderdome when he called for our attention. "The lot of you have been asking over and over again if I've yet selected a play for us to perform at the end of the year," he began, "and I finally have an answer for you. Now, before I tell you what it is we're performing, I need you all to keep in mind that this musical was written by a Normie, so there is a high chance it will not be entirely accurate to the events of reality. With all that said, we will be performing 'Jekyll and Hyde'—the concept album version, of course."

I couldn't help but mentally shake my head at this choice—although if that was what we were going with, I was thankful it wasn't going to be the Broadway version, given that they changed things around, removed songs, added songs, and otherwise went off the rails. Neither version was very accurate at all, but at least the concept album was coherent and logical, and got Dr. Jekyll's motive behind creating the serum right, if very little else.

Still, I was a bit surprised by this choice. He usually wrote whatever play his drama class did himself; this was a first. I admit that I also wasn't overly fond of his decision, but it didn't bother me to the point of bringing it up to him. I figured I'd just go along with it, especially after what he said next.

"I will give a disclaimer regarding the inaccuracy of the play," continued Mr. Where, "so that everyone in the audience is aware of what I have already told you. Are there any questions?"

None from me now that he'd gotten that issue out of the way.

Someone pointed out how interesting it was for him to pick this play when there was a Jekyll/Hyde in this class, to which he responded, "His being in our class did not affect my decision. Although now that we're on the subject—Mr. Jekyll, do you have any objections to us performing 'Jekyll and Hyde'?"

I shrugged. "Well, I're giving a disclaimer for its lack of accuracy, so I feel like I can't really object. Plus, at least you're going off the concept album and not the Broadway version."

"So you give your permission, then?"

"I still don't entirely see why you need it given what we've already covered, but yes."

Mr. Where clapped his hands once. "Excellent! Now all that's left is to assign roles."

A girl raised her hand. "Uh, sir? What if not all of us have seen the play? I mean, it is a Normie play, after all, and—"

"Yes, about that. We will watch the Broadway version to get a feel for what it will look like on stage, and then we will listen to the songs of the concept album."

"Thank you," the girl responded.

The class was just spent playing Improv games, and at the end of the period Mr. Where informed us that we'd be watching the musical tomorrow. But unlike the rest of the class, I'd already seen it before and just in case it wasn't obvious, it wasn't my favourite thing in the world.

Today was Valentine's birthday, which meant I would be visiting him after school. We'd been spending a lot of time together over the past week, despite Clawdeen's intervention, and something I'd been curious about since I'd first seen his Facebook page was what his first name could be. I'd caught myself thinking about it a fair few times throughout the week, but I hadn't asked him about it yet because I figured if he wanted to tell me, he would. At the same time, it couldn't hurt to ask, right?

My parents were already aware of my plans, so I didn't need to text them or anything. At the end of the day, I met Valentine just outside the main doors and we walked together to where his Impala was parked.

"So...exactly how many people are going to be there?" I asked as we got in.

"About three or four besides us," answered Valentine, "There's my mom...and Serena...and a couple of her other friends. That's literally it. Like I said, nothing big."

We continued this conversation as he drove, until I finally decided to ask him. "Hey, Valentine? I've kind of been wondering this for a while, but... what's your first name?"

I fully expected him to say that he didn't want to talk about it, but instead he said, after a moment, "Kieran. My name is Kieran."

"Kieran," I repeated, "I like that. It suits you."

He smiled a little. "Thank you."

"So is it alright if I call you that?" I asked, and then hurriedly added, "I understand if you don't want me to."

"No, it's alright," he replied, "You can call me Kieran if you'd like. You'd be one of the few who do, but I really don't mind."

We got to his house not long after that conversation ended, noticing that no one else was there yet except possibly Kieran's mother.

"Hello, Kieran," she greeted him when we walked through the door. Then she noticed me with him. "Who is this?"

"Jackson Jekyll," I hesitantly held out my hand, and she shook it.

"Rose Valentine," she replied, "Kieran's mother." She gazed at me for a moment. "There's something different about you. You appear to be a Normie, but I sense there's more to you than that."

"I'm only half Normie," I explained, somewhat nervously, "My father is a fire elemental."

"I see," she said. "Well, in any case, welcome."

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