Chapter 31: So Far Away

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'I had a feeling you would begin to miss home eventually, Kieran. Moreover, I am closer to you than you think. I look forward to our next meeting. It will happen and you cannot run from me any longer.

Oh, and congratulations on your past actions finally catching up with you. It pleases me to know that you can never truly escape who you were.'

"Oh, shit," I whispered.

As my eyes scanned the text, I couldn't help but panic just a bit. After our last encounter, he would be angry, no doubt. However, he would most likely target me and not Jackson or Holt.

I also realized that I needed to talk to Hazel as soon as possible.

I deleted the message, set my phone down and turned back to Jackson. "Thank you for showing me," I told him, and I could tell it had freaked him out just as much. I pulled him into a hug that he accepted at once. "Don't worry. He won't do anything to you. It's safe to say he's made it pretty clear which one of us he's really after."

"That's what scares me," Jackson's eyes met mine as he spoke with nothing but sincerity. "I know you don't want anything to happen to me or Holt, but I feel the exact same when it comes to you, Kieran. You have to know that."

"I do," I told him, "Believe me, I do."

The two of us shared another hug before I decided it was best to change the subject to something more light-hearted for now. "So...did you get in?"

Jackson's eyes lit up. "Yeah," he said, "How'd you know that's what I was up to?"

I smiled. "You've been checking your email constantly. It was not a hard guess, really. And either way, I'm extremely happy for you."

"Thanks," Jackson smiled back.

I decided to have that talk with Hazel tomorrow morning, seeing as Jackson and I were both tired from the day's events. We had decided to share Jackson's bed during the time we were here, something that was discussed when we first arrived. Jackson fell asleep almost immediately, but I wasn't so fortunate and I hadn't thought to bring or even search for a rose. Therefore, for the next hour at least, I lay awake trying not to think about what might happen if I didn't do something soon.

When I finally did sleep, I was plagued with various nightmares mostly involving Drystan, none of which I felt like sharing with anyone, much less writing them down.

When morning came, I awoke before Jackson did and rather than wake him, I silently rose and crept out of the room to search for Hazel after getting dressed. I eventually found her on a balcony watching the sunrise, both arms resting on the iron railing. "Hello," Kieran," she greeted me calmly without turning around.

"Hello, Hazel," I replied, "Do you come up here often?"

"Yeah, I do. I love watching the sunrise. It's peaceful," she replied, "How was your sleep?"

"Horrible," I admitted, but didn't go into detail. "I was actually wondering if I could talk to you about something," I continued, joining her at the railing.

"Of course," said Hazel.

I hesitated, unsure of how to proceed.

"If you're wondering if I recognize you from 400 years ago," Hazel began for me, "I do."

"I was afraid of that," I admitted, "I'm truly sorry for everything I put you and all the others through. At the time, I honestly didn't know that what I was doing was wrong. I know that's no excuse but—"

"It's okay," Hazel cut me off.


"I forgive you for everything, Kieran, because like Bram I see just how much you've changed; you're so far away from who you once were and that's such a good thing. You don't steal hearts anymore, you've found real love...Hell, you don't even use that fake Southern accent anymore."

I couldn't help but grin. "Was it that obvious?"

"Not until I heard you talk in your real voice," admitted Hazel with a grin of her own. "I should warn you that some of the other girls you have history with might still be angry...though you probably know that already."

"Yeah, I kind of figured as much," I agreed, "and I don't blame them. Honestly, they have every right to still be mad. So do you, actually, which is why I'm shocked you forgave me so easily."

"I'm a pretty forgiving person," said Hazel, "I don't have it in me to hold grudges long."

"I can tell."

"Where's Jackson, by the way?" she asked curiously.

"He was still sleeping when I left," I replied, "He might be up now, though."

Having that conversation with Hazel really took a lot of weight off my shoulders. I was incredibly grateful that she was able to forgive me so easily, though I imagine it probably took some time. She and I walked back into the castle together and went to see if Jackson had gotten up yet—which he had. Originally, Hazel was planning on hanging out with us, however she had some wedding-related things that needed taking care of so Jackson and I ended up playing a few rounds of a card game called Uno with Cleo, Deuce, Ghoulia and even my mother joined in.

The game turned out to be fun and Mom ended up being quite good at it once she got the hang of how to play. She won twice, with Jackson and Ghoulia each winning a game.

About halfway through a fifth round, my iCoffin buzzed and when I pulled it out it was another message from Drystan.

'I want to speak with you, Kieran. Meet me in Stoker's old office later this evening so we can put all of this petty conflict to rest. When you arrive, you had better be unarmed.


Was he really enough of a fool to think I wouldn't know a trap when I saw one?

Of course, I planned on going but I refused to go unarmed. I knew he had something planned and I wanted to be ready for whatever it was. I knew a rose would be useless to me even if I could get to one; Drystan was immune. There really wasn't anything else I could bring either.

It looked like I would have to go unarmed and hope that my powers would be enough.

He didn't specify a time to meet him, so I waited until everyone else had gone to sleep (including Jackson) before heading there. As I made my way through the halls of the castle I searched around for anything that might be of use to me, but there was nothing. It didn't take me long to reach the long winding staircase leading to the floor the office was on, which I ascended cautiously. I pushed open the door to see the office looking a bit different than I remembered it. The décor was in slightly lighter tones than it had been with Stoker around. But what worried me was that there was no sign of Drystan that I could see, even as I glanced around the room.

As I turned to leave, I left someone grab me from behind and just before everything turned to darkness I caught a glimpse of a rose against my neck, feeling one of its thorns pierce my skin.

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